The Free Press Journal

Two Foolish Men


THERE was once a raja who thought he was the cleverest man in the world. One day, he took his dewan aside and confided to him that he was tired of the idle chatter of ordinary men, and wanted to converse with somebody who was his intellectu­al equal. The dewan, knowing that his royal master would not be able to converse intelligen­tly with even a schoolboy, promised to bring someone. A few days later, he came with a dumb shepherd and told the raja that the man was a genius.

“We shall soon see about that,” said the ruler. “As he cannot talk, we will converse in gestures,” saying which, he held up one finger. The shepherd raised two fingers in reply.

“Good, good,” said the raja and held up three fingers. The shepherd gestured violently to show disagreeme­nt, and left.

“He is indeed the wisest of men,” said the raja, when the shepherd had gone. “When I held up one finger, I was stating that I stood unrivalled in power. He held up two fingers to remind me that God was more powerful. I held up three fingers to ask if there was anyone beside God and myself. He said no and left.”

Everyone marvelled at the shepherd’s wisdom. The raja bestowed wealth and honours on him and he lived out the rest of his life in comfort. But he never really understood why the raja had been so good to him.

He often recollecte­d his first meeting with the raja. The raja had held up one finger which of course meant he wanted one of his sheep. Being a loyal subject he had offered two. But then the raja had asked for three! How could anyone part with all his sheep? He had refused and left the palace.

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