The Free Press Journal

KEM counsels survivors of tragedy


Taking an intense note of the condition of the survivors of the Elphinston­e stampede, the doctors of King Edward Memorial hospital are likely to conduct a counsellin­g session for the survivors and family members.

The doctors said they had taken a counsellin­g session but they actually need a three to six months of counsellin­g as they are still in a state of shock and are not ready to accept they have lost their family members in a stampede.

The stampede led to 23 deaths while 38 others were injured. Still, 20 are admitted with injuries are still in the hospital, 12 patients were discharged on Sunday late evening while six patients were discharged on Saturday evening. Many patients are still in shock and are unable to sleep.

The head of the psychiatry department at KEM Hospital had a discussion with Dr Avinash Supe, Dean, KEM Hospital regarding conducting a counsellin­g sessions for the 22 survivors who are taking treatment in the hospital from Monday.

According to the doctors who are counsellin­g these patients, “People who escaped Friday’s stampede and their relatives are still in a state of shock they will need time for complete mental recuperati­on. The incident has made them shattered completely to overcome

such vulnerable situation,” said Dr. Sagar Mundada.

Dr Mundada further added that after such shocking incidents, often, a person feels that why me? I haven’t done wrong to anyone. One tends to become angry. One gets repeated thoughts of events or the sight seen. “Personal and profession­al life gets hampered. Due to fear, one finds it difficult to travel from the same place. And if not treated on time it can lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). To avoid this,

we have decided to counsel them,” he said.

Dr Supe, Dean, KEM Hospital, said, “It was a tragic incident. The people who are injured are shocked. The physical injuries will heal. But in order to help them cope mentally, we have decided to counsel them.”

“Our medicos are daily visiting these patients and asking them about their well-being, there are patients who have lost their dear ones, it is a tough time for them, in such case a counsellin­g sessions are must,” Dr. Supe said.

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