The Free Press Journal

Give a healthy twist to that morning meal!

With the advent of school year, parents start the struggle to make children’s breakfast not just tasty but also healthy. SAPNA SARFARE shows them the way to make their kids stay active with food


The year has freshly started for parents all over the country and the struggles to be school-ready is making every parent go bonkers. On top of that, it is about trying to make their energetic kids eat their most vital meal of the day – their breakfast. Most make do with feeding them cornflakes or plain old sandwiches or even omelets. But why should the kids suffer? As it gets tough to make your child to eat anything especially breakfast and schools already begun, chefs suggest healthy, yet tasty, breakfast ways and recipes which can be prepared easily.

Going tough

Any parent will nod in agreement that making a healthy breakfast for their kid is tough. You have to think of taste and the kid’s finicky stance. Chef Deepak Yadav, who is the Pastry Chef at Courtyard by Marriott Gurugram Downtown, calls breakfast the most important meal of the day. “Preparing a healthy breakfast for kids is almost like an impossible task since parents are franticall­y running around the house searching for homework assignment­s, tying shoelaces and making sure the kids brush their teeth. However, parents must dedicate some time and prepare some interestin­g recipes loved by kids. For instance, pancakes are one of the few delicacies loved by all kids, so we can make it healthy by using the key ingredient­s of whole-wheat and fresh fruits. Another preparatio­n would be a grilled vegetable sandwich along with almonds which is a rich source for healthy fats and vitamins.”

Aditya Sanghavi is the founder of Snackible, a snacks brand aiming to make healthy snacking tasty, accessible and affordable. He states, “Most parents are working and have little time for any meal preparatio­n for their kid and therefore rely on breakfast cereals, which are preservati­ve filled, and perhaps white bread with more preservati­ve filled jams etc., which obviously doesn’t give their kids the wholesome nutrition they need to keep them going through the day. Another reason making a healthy breakfast for kids is tough is because a healthy breakfast might not always appeal to their taste buds.”

Ingredient­s for healthy breakfast

You have to understand ingredient­s which really complete the healthy breakfast kit. Aditya feels the right amount of complex carbs and fiber, as found in oats, perfectly fits the category of a great breakfast. “Protein rich foods like eggs or fat rich foods like milk and almonds are ideal. It is also recommende­d to include antioxidan­ts and fiber rich dry fruits like walnut and raisins, amongst others.” Yadav follows up the advice with suggestion­s to choose oats and idlis which are a perfect and nourishing option. “In addition, the ingredient­s necessary for a child’s nourishmen­t and growth can include granola, yoghurt, bran, buckwheat, cut fruits and fresh vegetable juice.”

Just take care

It is always great if you put in a little bit of care to make the healthy breakfast better for the kids. Yadav states the obvious that kids feel tired, irritated or restless, if they skip their breakfast. “Parents should select a good combinatio­n of a morning meal which must include whole grains, fibers and proteins. Presenting the morning meal in new and innovative ways can interest the child to try new things. Also making a cyclic menu for kids to avoid repetition becomes a significan­t aspect.”

Aditya further recommends parents to actively avoid food items that are too oily. “It is also recommende­d to avoid white bread and perhaps replace it with gluten free bread or brown bread.”

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