The Free Press Journal

Working moms stay fit &fine

Holistic wellness consultant PRAMEET KOTAK lists few simple ways through which busy working moms can stay fit, and healthy


This year May 14, is a special day dedicated to all the hardworkin­g, supernatur­al ladies in our life. These multitaski­ng mothers are the ones who run behind children and family for their health but always ignore their own well being in the barter. So why not celebrate this Mother’s Day with a start of a new healthy lifestyle for her.

Nutrition first

First and most important aspect for a busy working mother to adapt is nutrition. With all the late working hours, homework sessions, feeding the little one, mom’s these days have very little time for healthy diet plan to follow. Binge eating on munchies, fast food, packaged food is an easy solution to their never-ending day which has an adverse effect on their health in the long run.

Start with easy measures to keep up the nutrition level in your body, such as conscious effort to monitor the quantity of your food intake. Remember quality over quantity. Smaller portion of meals will assist with better digestion and assimilati­on hence a healthier gut. I personally don’t preach heavy diet plans with no carbs, etc., as I strongly believe one’s body needs and deserves everything, but in moderation, especially our mothers. With this, add intake of superfood to your plan such as Matcha tea, frozen wheatgrass, papaya leaf juice and organic green tea which are high on nutrition and mineral. I also believe in consumptio­n based on output will surely help maintain the right balance and a fitter lifestyle. If you miss your exercise session, reduce the meal size for the day. Consumptio­n of local and seasonal produce are also a must-have, for instance choose sabja over chia seeds for a healthy approach which is meant for the Indian body type over imported products. If you are looking for a diet plan, I would recommend a visit to a nutritioni­st and get a bespoke diet plan for you as per your BMI.

Fitness funda

With nutrition comes fitness. Being fit, especially in today’s day and time, has become a crucial element for survival. A few things these super busy moms with no time for exercise can undertake for fitness is movement. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk when you talk on the phone at work, be a part of your kid’s running games, sit down and get up while reading or chatting, etc.

For a more conscious effort to be fit, make sure you dedicate 15 minutes every morning to your health and your body. A 15-minute routine from the Raptfx system every day will give you considerab­le and visible results in terms of weight loss, stamina and overall fitness; a perfect amalgamati­on of yoga and floor exercise.

Start with an alternate knee touch while lying on your back followed by head to the knee touch position. Slowly built in your core with a body stretch followed by the bridge pose (hands to the heel and raise your hips up the floor) for 10 to 15 seconds. Once warmed up, lay in the baby cobra pose to a knee push up to a child pose in the same exercise rhythm. Gain momentum with three sets of 15 squats, lunges (left and right) followed up by a 30-second plank position and side hover (each side).

After the intense session, sit down in padmasana observing your breathe into anulomvilo­m followed by ujjayi breath. Relax your body in shavasan for one minute followed by Om chanting in padmasana for three times. For a mom with time to spare at night can opt for a slower intensity routine with hover positions, boat pose, side crunches, naukasan and dhanurasan­a followed by vakrasana and shavasana. Complete the routine with chanting Om (low pitch) 12 times for sound sleep.

A few routine exercises which can be followed by super busy corporate moms at work can be chair squats, left to right side twists, neck rotations and eye rotations.

Alternate lifestyle

With nutrition and fitness for a holistic wellbeing, an alternate lifestyle is also vital. Indulge in meditation everyday to keep your mental balance. Stay consistent in your routine and stick to your genetic predisposi­tion of lifestyle as much as possible. Create a routine of prayer and family time, whether it’s in an oriental style, quick prayer before the martial arts class or a quick prayer before your 15 minute workout, or a quick prayer and chant before and after the meal, whatever and wherever it maybe, prayer and family time together go a long way in making time and space for other things. Follow a balance with these methods and tips and see a new you with a healthier approach to life.

(Prameet Kotak is a holistic wellness consultant with expertise in yoga, functional movement, reiki, massage therapy, sports administra­tion and chronic healing. He’s a consultant at Raptfx.)

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