The Free Press Journal

AAP rift widens, Kejri terms it a ‘ugly battle’


The rift within AAP escalated on Tuesday with Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal terming it as an "ugly battle", while his camp launched an all out war accusing senior leaders Shanti Bhushan and Prashant Bhushan of wanting to have a "vice-like grip" on the party.

Breaking his silence for the first time on the issue, Kejriwal said he was "hurt and pained" by what was going on within the outfit as all this has "betrayed" the trust imposed by the people. Kejriwal, who is the party's national convener, said he refuses to be drawn into this "ugly battle" and will concentrat­e on Delhi's gover nance. On the other hand, Kejriwal's camp launched an all out attack on the Bhushans.

Ashish Khetan, a key member of the AAP's Delhi unit, accused party patron Shanti Bhushan and his son and daughter -Prashant and Shalini -- of wanting to control all the wings of the party.

"Those who are floating the ridiculous one man party theory wanted to make AAP one family party," Khetan said on twitter.

"Father-son-daughter trio of Shanti Prashant & Shalini (sic) wanted to have a vice-like grip on all party wings, from PAC to policy committee to National Ex- ecutive," he further said.

Ashutosh, another party leader close to Kejriwal, said Bhushan should have raised his issues at the NE meeting and not before the media. Shanti Bhushan, a founder member, sought to play down the rift, asking both Prashant and Yadav to support Kejriwal.

"Difference­s within the party are not good. Prashant and Yogendra (Yadav) should support Arvind (Kejriwal)," he said in a letter to the party's national executive.

Sharp difference­s have come to the fore within AAP with allegation­s that Prashant and Yadav were trying to "remove" Kejriwal from the post of party convener. AAP has convened a meeting of its national executive on Wednesday to decide on all issues, including the latest controvers­y over difference­s in the party. Sources said a proposal may be mooted in the NE meet to remove Bhushan and Yadav.

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