The Asian Age

Sydney to go ahead with NY fireworks Fireworks show can be canceled, warn fire authoritie­s


Perth, Dec. 29: Sydney’s iconic New Year’s Eve fireworks will go ahead despite the wildfire crisis to show the world Australia’s resiliency, the Prime Minister said, while authoritie­s on Sunday braced for conditions to deteriorat­e with high temperatur­es.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison also announced financial support for some volunteer firefighte­rs in New South Wales, the state worst hit by wildfires ravaging the nation.

“The world looks at Sydney every single year and they look at our vibrancy, they look at our passion, they look at our success,” he said. “In the midst of the challenges that we face, subject to the safety considerat­ions, I can think of no better time to express to the world just how optimistic and positive we are as a country.”

The City of Sydney Council gave the green light although fire authoritie­s warned that the fireworks could be canceled if catastroph­ic conditions are declared.

Morrison said that eligible volunteer firefighte­rs will receive 300 Australian dollars ($209) a day, up to AU$6,000 ($4,190) in total, if called out to battle

A file picture of fireworks at Sydney harbour blazes for more than 10 days. The compensati­on focused on people who are self-employed or work for small and medium businesses. “The early and prolonged nature of this

fire season has made a call beyond what is typically made on our volunteer firefighte­rs,” he said.

Morrison, who has been under pressure since taking a much criticized family vacation to Hawaii during the wildfire crisis, announced last week that volunteer firefighte­rs from the federal public sector will receive paid leave entitlemen­ts.

The opposition has been pressing the government to consider widespread compensati­on for volunteer firefighte­rs. “A lot of everyone’s stunned, a lot of time away from work,” said Sean Warren, a volunteer firefighte­r for about seven years. “A lot of people are using up their annual leave as well. A lot of people are just missing their families ... they’ve skipped Christmas with their families and their grandchild­ren. So yeah, it’s a wide extreme of sacrifice that people have been putting in.” Morrison said the compensati­on was necessary so that the New South Wales fires commission­er is in a position to continue to call out the volunteer force.

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