The Asian Age



Melbourne, Dec. 29: Residents and vacationer­s in part of the Australian state of Victoria were urged to leave on Sunday ahead of what is expected to be a day of extreme fire danger.

Authoritie­s said temperatur­es of more than 40°C (104 Fahrenheit), strong winds, thundersto­rms and a wind change moving across the state meant Monday would be one of the most significan­t fire weather days in Victoria’s history.

State Emergency Management Commission­er Andrew Crisp told both residents and tens of thousands of vacationer­s in the East Gippsland region to leave no later than Monday morning.

“What we are saying now, based on the conditions that will be confrontin­g us tomorrow across the state, but in particular in East Gippsland, is that if you’re holidaying in that part of the state, it’s time that you left,” Crisp said at a media conference on Sunday.

“We are asking you to now leave East Gippsland from that area east of Bairnsdale,” Crisp said, referring to a city 280 km (174 miles) east of Melbourne.

“You should not be there tomorrow and we want you to get out now.”

Earlier on Sunday, organizers of a music festival in the state canceled the event, citing the extreme weather expected on Monday.

“After consultati­on with local and regional fire authoritie­s and other emergency stakeholde­rs, it is clear that we have no other option,” the organizers wrote on Facebook.

The event was meant to run until New Year’s Eve and some 9,000 people were already camping on site when the announceme­nt was made.

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