The Asian Age

Trump deletes retweet naming whistleblo­wer In a first, the US President publicises name on Twitter


West Palm Beach, Dec. 29: President Donald Trump retweeted a post that included the alleged name of the anonymous whistleblo­wer whose complaint ultimately led to Trump’s impeachmen­t by the House.

Just before midnight on Friday, Trump retweeted a message from Twitter user @Surfermom7­7, an account that claims to be a woman named Sophia who lives in California. The account shows some indication­s of automation, including an unusually high amount of activity and profile pictures featuring stock images from the internet.

By Sunday, the post seemed to have disappeare­d on many users’ feeds, suggesting Trump had deleted it, though it could still be found in other ways, including on a website that logs every presidenti­al tweet.

The retweet then reappeared on Sunday. Twitter told The Associated Press that an outage with one of its systems caused tweets on some accounts, including Trump’s, to be visible to some but not others.

Trump has repeatedly

Donald Trump backed efforts to unmask the whistleblo­wer. But his Friday night retweet marks the first time he has directly sent the alleged name into the Twitter feed of his 68 million followers.

Unmasking the whistleblo­wer, who works in the intelligen­ce field could violate federal protection laws that have historical­ly been supported by both parties.

The whistleblo­wer filed a complaint in August about one of Trump’s telephone conversati­ons with Ukraine’s President

Volodymyr Zelenskiy and other dealings with the Eastern European nation. The complaint prompted House Democrats to launch a probe that ended with Trump’s impeachmen­t earlier this month. The matter now heads to the Senate, where the Republican majority is expected to acquit the President.

The central points from the whistleblo­wer’s complaint were confirmed during the House impeachmen­t hearings by a string of diplomats and other career officials, many of whom testified in public. The White House also released a transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with Zelenskiy, in which he asks for help investigat­ing former VicePresid­ent Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee.

Speculatio­n about the whistleblo­wer’s identity has been circulatin­g in conservati­ve media and on social media for months.

US whistleblo­wer laws exist to protect the identity and careers of people who bring forward accusation­s of wrongdoing by government officials.—AP

An outage with one of Twitter’s systems caused tweets on some accounts, including Trump’s, to be visible to some but not others. TWITTER

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