The Asian Age

‘ Terrorists’ shelf- life reduced in Valley, over 360 killed in 2 yrs’

■ CRPF DG: Forces reaching out to youth via all possible ways to stop them from taking up arms


Back- to- back operations by security forces in the Kashmir Valley has reduced the “shelf- life” of terrorists and over 360 were killed in less than two years, CRPF director general ( DG) Rajiv Rai Bhatnagar has said.

In an interview to PTI, he said as figures show an increase in the number of local youth joining terror groups in the Valley, security forces are reaching out to young men through all possible ways to stop them from taking up arms.

Mr Bhatnagar said keeping in mind the security challenges, the CRPF has “increased the protection level” of its troops operating in Jammu and Kashmir by inducting fullbody protectors, bullet proof vehicles and special armoured ‘ intercepti­on vehicles’ to enable personnel to operate in threatenin­g situations.

“The terrorists in J& K... Some of them are from outside and there are also the misguided youth ( locals) who join terror groups. It is quite a mix. The numbers go up and down but if you were to look at the length, the time for which terrorists survive in J& K, then the signal is very clear that it ( terrorist recruitmen­t) is having no impact. life ◗

“The shelf- life of terrorists, the timeframe to survive, is very short. So, even if the numbers ( of joining terror ranks) may be large, they may be more, but the consequenc­e is limited,” he said when asked if recruitmen­t of local Kashmiri youths by terror groups is rising and a cause of concern.

The chief of the country’s largest paramilita­ry force said the youth was being drawn into it ( terror ranks) as “there was a little bit of glamourisa­tion”, but they have to understand that it will not get them any result.

“It is only a matter of time. We have made a lot of efforts ( to wean them away) and have also asked them to surrender, and a lot of them have come back. They have to understand that taking up the gun serves no purpose,” he said.

The CRPF chief, on youth taking up arms, also said, “Obviously this is something that we have to prevent and take appropriat­e steps so that the youth does not take to militancy...”

The CRPF chief said the youth was being drawn into it ( terror ranks) as ‘ there was a little bit of glamourisa­tion’

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