The Asian Age

China may grasp climate leadership

US influence is likely to wane compared to other greenhouse emitters


Bonn, Nov. 5: China has a chance to assert leadership of a global plan to combat global warming this week at the first UN climate talks since US President Donald Trump decided to quit the 195nation Paris Agreement, delegates say.

Government experts are to work on a “rule book” for the 2015 climate pact at the November 6-17 annual meeting in Bonn, Germany. The accord seeks to end the fossil fuel era this century with a shift to wind, solar and other clean energies.

Mr Trump once dismissed climate change as a Chinese hoax to harm the US economy and said in June that he would pull out of the agreement and instead promote US coal and oil. A formal US withdrawal will take until 2020.

No other nation has followed his lead. US influence is likely to wane compared to other big greenhouse emitters led by China, the European Union and India even though Washington will still have a place at the table in Bonn.

“The rest of the world, including all major emerging economies, has made it clear that it is committed to the Paris Agreement,” Maldives environmen­t minister Thor Abraham, chair of the Alliance of Small Island States (OASIS), said. China, on track to beat its goal of a peak in carbon emissions in 2030, seems best placed to step up leadership of an agreement largely designed by Washington under former President Barack Obama, many delegates say.

— Reuters

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