The Asian Age



Dear Meera,

QI am totally shattered and feeling depressed since many months. I feel like committing suicide. But when I look into my 8-year-old daughter, I drop the idea. My husband is cheating on me. I am trying to adjust but somehow not able to fit in to his and my inlaws standards. My husband has been troublesom­e and not kind towards my daughter or me. Should I file for a divorce? Also, I am a housewife and presently fully dependent on him for all my finances.

Name: Smitha DOB: August 23, 1975

Dear Smitha,

Please do not be depressed. Suicide is not a solution. Everyone in the world has his/her share of worries, happiness, and ups and downs. One needs to face the problem and find a solution, head on. Also, note a very important law of nature: whatever goes up comes down and vice versa. You are a very caring, loving and emotional person, and will always go all out for those in need. In the present scenario, you are being weighed down by grief.

Don’t be discourage­d by this challenge, and face them. Indecisive­ness is holding you back. Hence, you are feeling trapped.

The worst is over and this is the end of a difficult situation. Bright future and happy times await you after February 2017. Do not take any decision in haste; take time to review the details carefully. You will have a good relationsh­ip with your husband. He will become a devoted and a warm-hearted person in coming future. Be a little more giving and expect less. He will support you, but in turn he would want you to win over his parents with love.

The writer is a tarot expert. You can mail your queries to Meera at selfdecode­


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