The Asian Age

‘ A book is like an author’s baby’

- SOMUDRA BANERJEE If I could visit the past, then maybe Sidney Sheldon.

Sumit Agarwal is a graduate from IIT Kanpur and has been a successful businessma­n. He is also a music composer, lyricist, singer, actor, writer and an altruist. His debut, a popular fiction, The Four Patriots is a racy, contempora­ry thriller with a message: why it is important for educated citizens to stop abhorring politics, and how even a few individual­s can make a difference to the country. When did the idea initiate? I had this dream from childhood to see my country march ahead. I felt we had huge potential but somehow we do not work that hard as we should. We want to win back our lost pride but don’t want to take pains. Around three years ago I finally started painting this picture, which shows that all of our dreams about the country can become a reality if the youth works towards it. Which genre draws you the most as a reader and a writer? As a writer I am committed to the patriotic genre. I shall continue to write stories with a message and with the intention to inspire our country's youth to participat­e in its developmen­t. As a reader I am drawn to a variety of subjects including mythology, thrillers and romance. Who among the pantheon of writers ( past/ present) would you like to have coffee with?

What is your antidote for writer’s block? A short break, of maybe a few days. Your mind automatica­lly brings up a new perspectiv­e. Being a multi- tasker, it is easy for me to get busy with business or music, while the block unclogs itself. Ending of one book that you would have changed? There is nothing like a good or a bad ending. It is one’s individual perception. A seemingly lacklustre end for me, maybe a wow one for somebody else. A book is like an author’s baby. I would rather not fiddle with it.

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