The Asian Age

Samsung invests 1,970 cr for ‘ Make in India’ commitment `


Samsung India Electronic­s has announced expansion of its Noida plant with an investment of Rs 1,970 crore, strengthen­ing its commitment to ‘ Make in India’ and ‘ Make for India’. The Government of Uttar Pradesh approved the investment by Samsung India Electronic­s under Super Mega A by the state's Cabinet Committee in Lucknow. A Memorandum of Understand­ing was signed between Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary, Rahul Bhatnagar and HC Hong, President and CEO, Samsung India Electronic­s, in the presence of Honourable Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav.

“Noida is the symbol of Uttar Pradesh and India's industrial­isation and growth ever since the economic liberalisa­tion twenty years ago. Samsung has been our partner in this growth right since 1996. It has created thousands of jobs, supported business, developed the service sector, and helped give global recognitio­n to Noida. Today’s MoU is yet another step in converting Noida into the electronic­s hub of India. I am happy Samsung is pioneering this transforma­tion yet again,” stated Mr Yadav.

“In line with our commitment to ‘ Make in India’ and living by our promise to ‘ Make for India’, we are pleased to receive the Uttar Pradesh Government’s approval to invest in the state and expand our manufactur­ing base here in India. As digitisati­on expands across the country, we are witnessing an increase in the adoption of electronic devices, appliances and mobile phones. A bigger and more robust manufactur­ing facility will help us address the needs and demands of our growing customer base across the country and the region. We plan to further the Samsung innovation promise across our Refrigerat­or, Mobile and LED TV range, offering the latest and best of the world to our customers,” said HC Hong, President and CEO of Samsung India.

Samsung started its Noida plant in 1996 and continues to provide cutting edge technology and better experience­s for customers across India from the Noida plant, with a large ecosystem of suppliers in the National Capital Region. Samsung is involved in community developmen­t around the facility at Noida and across the state of Uttar Pradesh through contributi­ons to education, skill developmen­t and healthcare initiative­s.

Along the way, it effectivel­y consolidat­ed its position in India with two factories, three R& D centres and a design centre, employing over 40,000 people and establishi­ng the largest sales and service network by any company in the country. By not only fulfilling its commitment to ' Make in India', but also living its promise of ' Make for India', Samsung has emerged as a truly Indian company at heart.

 ??  ?? President & CEO of Samsung India Electronic­s HC Hong and UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav at the event.
President & CEO of Samsung India Electronic­s HC Hong and UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav at the event.

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