The Asian Age

Israel furious over Jerusalem move


Paris, Oct 18: The UN cultural agency on Tuesday adopted a controvers­ial Arab- sponsored resolution condemning Israel’s actions at a flashpoint holy site in east Jerusalem that has sparked fury in the Jewish state.

The Unesco resolution on “occupied Palestine” was drafted by Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar and Sudan.

It was endorsed on Tuesday by the executive board after being approved at the committee stage last week.

Referring throughout to Israel as “the occupying power” it condemns Israel for restrictin­g Muslims' access to the Al- Aqsa mosque compound— Islam’s third holiest site.

But it is the language used to describe the Old City site, which is holy to both Muslims and Jews, that has infuriated Israel, which suspended its cooperatio­n with the Paris- based UN body last week.

While acknowledg­ing the

Referring throughout to Israel as “the occupying power”, the Unesco resolution condemns Israel for restrictin­g Muslims’ access to the Al- Aqsa mosque compound— Islam’s third holiest site

importance of the Old City to “the three monotheist­ic religions” ( Islam, Judaism and Christiani­ty) the resolution refers throughout to the site by its Muslim names, Al- Aqsa or AlHaram al- Sharif.

Jews however revere it as the Temple Mount where the First and Second Temples once stood and the holiest site in Judaism.

Palestine’s deputy ambassador to Unesco, Mounir Anastas, welcomed the adoption of the resolution, saying he hoped it would pressure Israeli authoritie­s to “stop their violations.” — AFP

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