Mint Delhi

Meta takes open-source approach

Firm also prioritize­s native Hindi support to counter OpenAI, Google

- Shouvik Das NEW DELHI

Meta unveiled its latest generation of Llama 3.1 foundation­al artificial intelligen­ce (AI) models on Tuesday. Amid a routine upgrade, Meta chief Mark Zuckerberg emphasized expanding localized, vernacular use cases and focusing on promoting open-source developmen­t to rope in enterprise­s.

Industry stakeholde­rs believe such an approach may help Meta rival OpenAI’s GPT-AI models, widely considered the top foundation­al AI platform globally.

In an interview with Mint, Ragavan Srinivasan, Meta’s vice-president of product and the head of Llama models, said its open-source approach to AI will define its approach to generative AI for enterprise­s.

“Building AI models as open source is good for developers, Meta and the world in general, as we’ve seen with our work on Pytorch and

React. Rivals of Llama are all proprietar­y, which means that enterprise­s have to develop their AI applicatio­ns based on the terms defined by the companies making the models. As generative AI becomes integrated into the internet, we’d look to provide open intelligen­ce in order to ensure that a rich developer and partner ecosystem builds around Llama,” Srinivasan said.

Srinivasan’s statement on the latest models, which natively support processing of queries and inferences in

Hindi (among other languages), echoes Tuesday’s post by Zuckerberg on expanding its open-source approach.

“We’re releasing Llama 3.1 405B, the first frontier-level open-source AI model, as well as new and improved Llama 3.1 70B and 8B models. In addition to having significan­tly better cost and performanc­e relative to closed models, the fact that the 405B model is open will make it the best choice for fine-tuning and distilling smaller models,” the executive said in a blog post.

Industry stakeholde­rs largely welcomed the move. Kashyap Kompella, chief executive of AI research and consultanc­y firm RPA2AI Research, said Meta’s push for AI is multi-pronged.

“Meta is looking to be the opensource evangelist in the generative AI space, which can help it rival companies such as OpenAI, Microsoft, Google and Anthropic in offering one of the top five foundation­al AI models globally. Meta’s key strength is that it can use its own models within its core social media services, which means that it does not necessaril­y need to monetize the models themselves. This is something that OpenAI cannot— since their core offering are the AI models, they will need to look at a direct monetizati­on model instead,” he said.

Read an extended version of this story.

 ?? RAGAVANSRI­NIVASAN/LINKEDIN ?? Ragavan Srinivasan, vice-president of product and the head of Llama models at Meta.
RAGAVANSRI­NIVASAN/LINKEDIN Ragavan Srinivasan, vice-president of product and the head of Llama models at Meta.

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