Mint Delhi

Companies are watering down diversity recruiting programs

- Kailyn Rhone

White-collar companies that once championed programs to recruit diverse employees are now tiptoeing away from them.

Pricewater­houseCoope­rs and JPMorgan Chase are among those that recently removed or altered descriptio­ns of their programs for underrepre­sented students. The shift came after an “antiwoke” movement took aim at U.S. companies and a Supreme Court decision overturned affirmativ­e action in college admissions.

Employers’ embrace of diversity, equity and inclusion initiative­s peaked in 2021, sparked by the death of George Floyd and the height of the Black Lives Matter movement a year earlier. In the years since, access to diversity programs has been slowly declining, a Glassdoor study in April found.

Companies have made the changes quietly, often by playing down terminolog­y such as “DEI” and opening up programs once reserved for diverse applicants to everyone. Many stopped referencin­g their DEI programs in annual reports altogether, The Wall Street Journal has reported.

Minority students are con

cerned about what the cutback means for their future in an already tight job market.

As an undergrad, Chad Fuselier, 24 years old, remembers searching on job sites such as

Glassdoor and LinkedIn for postings that referenced “diversity programs” or “Black students.” That helped him land an internship through a program at PwC.

Similar searches today yield fewer results, said Fuselier, now a second-year law student at the University of Florida. He has an internship at KPMG this summer that wasn’t part of a diversity program.

Accounting firm PwC’s wellknown Start internship program, which accepted only “traditiona­lly underrepre­sented” minority applicants for years, removed that requiremen­t last fall. The program’s descriptio­n now says it encourages students of diverse background­s to apply. PwC declined to comment.

Consulting firm McKinsey & Co. in May removed “self-identify as a member of a historical­ly underrepre­sented group” from a list of attributes ideal candidates should possess for its sophomore summer business-analyst program.

McKinsey said the program is designed to expose historical­ly underrepre­sented groups to management consulting and is one of many diversity recruiting programs it maintains.

Law firm Kirkland & Ellis now clarifies that its diversity and inclusion fellowship is open to all second-year law students, regardless of their background­s. JPMorgan Chase has done the same for its Black and Hispanic & Latino fellowship programs, adding that all sophomore students regardless of their background are welcome to apply.

 ?? HT ?? Employers’ embrace of diversity, equity and inclusion initiative­s peaked in 2021, sparked by the death of George Floyd.
HT Employers’ embrace of diversity, equity and inclusion initiative­s peaked in 2021, sparked by the death of George Floyd.

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