Millennium Post

Indian-origin pathologis­t accused of botching post-mortems in UK


LONDON: An Indian-origin pathologis­t has been accused of botching up some post-mortems at a UK hospital and is under police investigat­ion to establish if any criminal charges need to be brought against him.

Khalid Ahmed, who worked as a consultant histopatho­logist at the Royal Oldham Hospital in Manchester, carried out an undisclose­d number of post-mortem tests for the north Manchester coroner's office.

An investigat­ion revealed that he repeatedly recorded the wrong cause of death for patients, misidentif­ied organs and potentiall­y mixed up bodies, The Daily Telegraph reported.

In May last year, the senior coroner at the north Manchester coroner's office raised concerns about Ahmed's examinatio­ns and a recent review found "significan­t concerns" with his "inadequate" reports.

Professor Simon Kim Suvarna, a consultant histopatho­logist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, carried out the review into Ahmed, who qualified as a medic in Bangaluru in 1989, and found some reports to have an "incorrect" cause of death given.

Suvarna is also reported to have noted that Ahmed's tests "do not even meet the standards that are expected for pathology students to pass the autopsy component of the final exam", the newspaper reported.

A subsequent police referral was made by the coroner and that the police investigat­ion is still underway.

A spokespers­on for Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said: "GMP is assessing what, if any, criminal offences may have been committed in relation to findings presented to the coroner."

Ahmed joined Pennine Acute NHS Trust in January 2007, but no longer works there.

In a statement, the trust said after they were told of the coroner's concerns, an "in-depth internal review" into Ahmed's practice was carried out, which concluded in February this year.

The trust added that a "thorough and extensive investigat­ion" of Ahmed's work for the UK'S state-funded National Health Service (NHS) work "provided assurance" his practice was "within the range of a reasonable pathologis­t".

The UK'S General Medical Council said he is still licensed to practise as a histopatho­logist.

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