Millennium Post

Rex Tillerson sworn-in as US Secretary of State


WASHINGTON: Rex Tillerson was on Thursday sworn in as US Secretary of State and soon his boss President Donald Trump said the former Exxonmobil CEO’S task was to bring a “clear-eyed focus” to foreign affairs and to seek new solutions to enormous challenges facing the world.

The 64-year-old Texas native was administer­ed the oath of office by Vice President Mike Pence in the White House’s Oval Office after the Senate approved his nomination by a vote of 56 to 43, with all Republican­s in support and most Democrats voting against Tillerson.

He was confirmed by the Senate despite concerns over the veteran oil executive’s close ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Tillerson, who has never held political office, received full backing from President Trump who told him: “Your whole life has prepared you for this moment.”

“Though you inherit enormous challenges in the Middle East and around the world, I do believe we can achieve peace and stability in these very, very troubled times,” Trump said.

His confirmati­on as the top US diplomat was welcomed by the White House and the Republican party but opposed by Democratic lawmakers in the Senate, who raked up his ties with Russia and President Putin. At the ceremony, Trump said it was time to bring a “clear-eyed focus to foreign affairs, to take a fresh look at the world around us, and to seek some new good solutions.”

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