Millennium Post

Ansal brothers give undertakin­g to SC that they will not leave country


NEW DELHI: Real estate magnates, the Ansal brothers on Monday assured the Supreme Court that they would not leave the country till it heard the plea by the CBI and the Associatio­n of Victims of Uphaar Tragedy (AVUT) for review of September 22, 2015 verdict.

Counsel for Ansals gave the undertakin­g after bench headed by Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar sought the one.

The bench sough the undertakin­g after senior counsel KTS Tulsi appearing for the AVUT expressed the apprehensi­ons that Ansal brothers may flee the country before the hearing of the review plea.

The Central Bureau of Investigat­ion, along with AVUT, have sought the recall of 2015 order by which a three judge bench had let-off the Ansals Sushil and Gopal - on paying Rs 30 crore each coupled with the sentence they have already undergone for June 13, 1997 fire tragedy in their Uphaar cinema in south Delhi that left 59 dead.

The three judge bench comprised Justice Anil R.dave (since retired), Justice Kurian Joseph and Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel.

On January 8, this year, the three judges had decided to hold an open court hearing on the plea by the CBI and AVUT seeking the recall of 2015 order in which the top court had said that the magnitude of the Uphaar fire tragedy may call for “higher sentence” but it could not go beyond the choices under the law.

The trial court on November 20, 2007, had convicted Ansal brothers and others and sentenced them to two years jail each but the High Court on December 19, 2008 convicted them.

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