Millennium Post

Samsung Electronic­s eyes separation in reform plan


SEOUL: Samsung Electronic­s on Tuesday said it was considerin­g splitting the company into two as it faces growing pressure to overhaul its governance during a crucial power transfer in top management.

The announceme­nt came as the South Korean electronic­s giant is seeking to ensure a smooth succession to Lee Jae- Yong, the firm’s vice chairman and scion of the parent Samsung group’s founding Lee family. It is also struggling to contain the fallout from a global recall of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone caused by exploding batteries as well as a snowballin­g political scandal in South Korea.

The firm said in a statement it would consider breaking into a holding firm and a producing and operating unit, and would take at least six months to study the option.

It also said it would increase its dividend payout to shareholde­rs to more than 4 trillion won (USD 3.4 billion) this year, up more than 30 per cent from a year ago.

Other options on the table include plans to nominate at least one new independen­t board member with “global corporate experience” for approval at an annual shareholde­rs’ meeting next March.

The plans suggest the firm is listening to calls for change after US hedge fund Elliott last month urged it to divide into listed holding and operating firms to streamline a byzantine ownership structure.

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