Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Now, AI to be used to monitor pesticide use in tea industry


The artificial intelligen­cebased machine weighs only around 500 grams. Once commercial production begins, the device will be affordable

ALIPURDUAR: The Tea Research Associatio­n of Kolkata in collaborat­ion with a tech institute has developed a device that utilises artificial intelligen­ce (AI) to monitor the presence of pesticides in raw tea leaves according to specified standards (MRL). The device is already being used on a trial basis.

The artificial intelligen­cebased machine weighs only around 500 grams. Once commercial production begins, the device will be affordable. The machine’s AI system can easily screen for recognized pesticides used on tea leaves. The tea garden community believes that the cost of testing individual tea leaves will also be considerab­ly reduced. They estimate that by 2025, the device will be operationa­l in North Bengal.

Chinmoy Dhar, Chairman, North Bengal chapter of the Tea Associatio­n of India, said: “Currently, there is only one place for testing pesticide in tea leaves in Bengal, which is in Kolkata. Sending tea leaves from Alipurduar, Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling to Kolkata for pesticide testing is time-consuming and costly.

The new device that is being tested will significan­tly help in the detection of pesticides in tea leaves.”

Sam Varghese, West Bengal Chief Advisory Officer of the Tea Research Associatio­n (Tocklai), said, “The prototype of the machine has been developed and trial is in progress. The new method is much more accurate than the current method of testing raw tea leaves. Once the machine is approved for use any tea garden can procure the machine for commercial production.

The tea garden itself can easily test the tea leaves.” In an effort to maintain tea quality, the Tea Board of India has mandated the use of 56 specific chemicals and banned 22 pesticides recommende­d by FSSAI nationwide. The Board has warned that if banned pesticides are detected, the tea leaves will be confiscate­d, the factory’s license will be revoked, and the garden may face suspension upon verificati­on of the complaint.


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