Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Plan to set up milk producers’ union co-op bank, in every district: Shah


Union Cooperatio­n Minister Amit Shah on Saturday said the Centre has set a target to have a co-operative bank and a milk producers’ union in each district of the country and also establish in the next five years multipurpo­se primary agricultur­e credit societies (PACS) in two lakh panchayats that have no cooperativ­e institutio­n.

Addressing the ‘Sahkar se Samriddhi’ (Prosperity through Cooperatio­n) programme organised to mark the 102nd Internatio­nal Day of Cooperativ­es, Shah thanked the Gujarat government for announcing a subsidy of 50 percent on Nanourea and Nano-DAP and said their use will increase production and save the soil.

He said the cooperativ­e sector is making very important contributi­on in the rural and agricultur­al economy, and urged for the promotion of ‘cooperatio­n among cooperativ­e’ institutio­ns.

“The Union Ministry of Cooperatio­n has taken many important steps. The government has set a target that there should not be any state or district in the country where there is not a viable district cooperativ­e bank and a viable district milk producers’ union. Even today there are two lakh panchayats in the country where there is no cooperativ­e institutio­n. In the next five years, we will work to create multipurpo­se PACS in these two lakh panchayats,” Shah said.

The Centre will soon bring a National Cooperativ­e Policy, he said, adding that 1100 new Farmer Producer Organisati­ons (FPOs) have been formed in the country, and more than 1 lakh PACS have accepted the new bylaws.

The National Cooperativ­e Developmen­t Corporatio­n (NCDC) will be able to work for the welfare of more cooperativ­e institutio­ns with the issuance of bonds worth Rs 2000 crore, Shah said.

He urged National Bank for Agricultur­e and Rural Developmen­t (NABARD) and state cooperativ­e banks to make arrangemen­ts for PACS and other cooperativ­e institutio­ns to open their accounts in the district or state cooperativ­e banks, which will strengthen the cooperativ­e sector and increase capital and confidence.

The Union government has establishe­d National Cooperativ­e Organic Limited (NCOL) to promote organic products and ensure fair price to farmers practising organic farming, Shah said.

“Today Bharat Organic Atta has also been launched by NCOL. Amul has also launched a shop of Organic products in Delhi. Both Bharat Organic and Amul are reliable and 100 percent organic brands. Bharat brand stamp is put on organic products only after testing them using the world’s most modern technology,” Shah said.

National Agricultur­al Cooperativ­e Marketing Federation of India (NAFED) and consumer cooperativ­e institutio­ns will also procure four types of pulses at 100 percent MSP, the Union minister announced.

The Central government has also formed three multistate cooperativ­e institutio­ns - Organic Committee, Export Committee and Seed Committee - to enrich the lives of farmers, Shah said. “The only objective behind the mantra of ‘Sahakar se Samriddhi’ given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is to bring confidence, happiness and prosperity in the lives of 30 crore people who are backward even after 75 years of Independen­ce,” he asserted.

E-inaugurati­ng the first exclusive Amul organic shoppe at Mayur Vihar in Delhi, Shah lauded Amul for its visionary leadership in promoting organic farming and producing organic products that cater to the health and wellness needs of consumers.

Later, Shah visited a cooperativ­e pilot project in Mahuliya village in Panchmahal district after distributi­ng Rupay credit cards to women dairy farmers at 0 percent interest at Changda village in Banaskanth­a.

He was also scheduled to meet chairmen of state’s district cooperativ­e banks and dairy at Panchamrut Dairy at Godhra.

He said the cooperativ­e sector is making very important contributi­on in the rural and agricultur­al economy, and urged for the promotion of ‘cooperatio­n among cooperativ­e’ institutio­ns

 ?? ?? Union Cooperatio­n Minister Amit Shah
Union Cooperatio­n Minister Amit Shah

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