Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Nightmaris­h realities


Warring factions in the Israel-Hamas conflict continue to play with the lives of innocent people, and the world appears to be devoid of options — being mere witness to the large-scale killings in the region. Late Sunday evening, an Israeli airstrike allegedly killed at least 45 people, including children, in a refugee camp in Rafah. Coming close on the heels of the Internatio­nal Court of Justice (ICJ) ordering Israel to halt its operations in the city, this horrible attack is just another sign of belligeren­ce shown by the Israeli leadership.

The scale of relentless offensive carried out by Israel paints it in a bad light, leading to its perceptive isolation on a global stage. However, Hamas, which triggered the war in the first place, also deserves a blame. Israel’s fresh attack in Rafah is reported to be a response to a barrage of rockets launched by Hamas towards Tel Aviv, most of which were intercepte­d.

For the people of Gaza Strip, the absolute sufferers of the entire conflict, death couldn’t be more ominous and life couldn’t be more hurtful. Beyond the overwhelmi­ng casualties, they have been tossed up and down their own homeland to ensure that they keep breathing! When central and southern Gaza were under offensive, the Palestinia­ns, on Israel’s diktat, moved to Rafah. And now, when Rafah itself isn’t safe, many are left with no other option than to move back to the regions which once were the hotbeds of airstrikes. 80 per cent of Gaza’s population stands displaced presently. At the same time, while theoretica­lly complying with the norms, Israel, for all practical purposes, is reported to have sabotaged the flow of humanitari­an assistance. Additional­ly, the medical facilities required to treat the wounded are learnt to have been destroyed in airstrikes at a significan­t scale. As per Hamas’ assertion, Israeli shelling in and around health facilities in Rafah has left just one medical facility operationa­l in the area. Further compoundin­g the issue is the risk of famine, potential and present, across the country.

Let alone the rest of the world, the United States, Israel’s staunchest ally, is finding itself in an inconvenie­nt position. It has warned that Israel’s full-fledged offensive in Rafah would “cross the red line”. Given the scale of atrocities committed in Gaza, the realisatio­n of criminal injustice has gained widespread recognitio­n. But the hands of those with influence appear to be tied due to geopolitic­al considerat­ions. Sadly, lives have always been sacrificed at the altar of political and geopolitic­al gains. There are stains of blood, not just on the hands directing and executing airstrikes, but also those deliberate­ly self-locked for receiving momentous gains.

The people who don’t have direct influence are at least raising their voices. Protests are being held across different parts of the world. The social media campaign with the hashtag #AllEyesOnR­afah reflects the growing internatio­nal awareness and solidarity with the afflicted people enduring this relentless bombardmen­t. The phrase has become a rallying cry—shared by numerous celebritie­s and echoed by millions around the globe, calling for an end to the violence. More than 36,000 innocent lives are already cut short to quench the thirst for power and prestige of a selected few. It is unclear when the humans of the world will wake up to this humanitari­an catastroph­e. At present, one can only wish more power to the Palestinia­ns, so that they can brace the highly disproport­ionate and unjustifie­d onslaught against them, and to the world leaders, so that they can boldly confront the grim realities of this time.

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