Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Spain, Norway & Ireland formally recognise Palestinia­n state


BARCELONA: Spain, Norway and Ireland formally recognised a Palestinia­n state on Tuesday in a coordinate­d effort by the three western European nations to add internatio­nal pressure on Israel to soften its devastatin­g response to last year’s Hamas-led attack. Tel Aviv slammed the diplomatic move that will have no immediate impact on its grinding war in Gaza.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez told his nation in a televised address from Madrid that “this is a historic decision that has a single goal, and that is to help Israelis and Palestinia­ns achieve peace”.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz quickly lashed out at Spain on X, saying Sánchez’s government was “being complicit in inciting genocide against Jews and war crimes”.

Ireland and Norway soon joined Spain in formalisin­g a decision they had jointly announced the previous week.

The Palestinia­n flag was raised in Dublin outside Leinster House, the seat of the Irish parliament.

“This is an important moment and I think it sends a signal to the world that there are practical actions you can take as a country to help keep the hope and destinatio­n of a two-state solution alive at a time when others are trying to sadly bomb it into oblivion,” Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris said before his Cabinet meets to formally sign off on the decision.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide said in a statement that “for more than 30 years, Norway has been one of the strongest advocates for a Palestinia­n state. Today, when Norway officially recognizes Palestine as a state, is a milestone in the relationsh­ip between Norway and Palestine.” While some 140 countries have recognised a Palestinia­n state - more than two-thirds of the United Nations - none of the major Western powers has done so.

Still, the adherence of three European countries to the group represents a victory for Palestinia­n efforts in the world of public opinion, and will likely put pressure on EU heavyweigh­ts France and Germany to rethink their position.

Relations between the EU and Israel have nosedived with the diplomatic recognitio­ns by two EU members, and Madrid insisting on Monday that the EU should take measures against Israel for its continued deadly attacks in southern Gaza’s city of Rafah.

Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez told his nation in a televised address from Madrid that ‘this is a historic decision that has a single goal, and that is to help Israelis and Palestinia­ns achieve peace’


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