Millennium Post (Kolkata)

A mounting menace


The recent censure by the Supreme Court on New Delhi’s woeful solid waste management situation points towards the urgent need for comprehens­ive action. With over 3,800 tonnes of untreated solid waste accumulati­ng daily, the national capital’s environmen­tal and public health face an imminent threat, affecting the quality of life of people residing in the national capital. In fact, the apex court mixed no word in saying that “the generation of untreated solid waste in such huge quantities directly affects the fundamenta­l rights of the citizens under Article 21 of the Indian Constituti­on to live in a pollution-free environmen­t.” Here, it may also be pertinent to note that a large chunk of underprivi­leged people, mostly migrants from other states, reside adjacent to the precarious landfills, and pick wastes from the dumpsites, illegally, to earn their living.

Delhi’s solid waste management system appears to be faltering under the weight of increasing urbanisati­on and consumptio­n patterns. As news reports suggest, with the city’s population projected to soar to 2.32 crore by 2024 and 2.85 crore by 2031, waste generation is expected to skyrocket to 17,000 tonnes per day. Yet, the current infrastruc­ture is ill-equipped to handle this surge. The existing waste-processing facilities, with a combined design capacity of 9,200 TPD, are overwhelme­d by the sheer volume of waste. At the same time, approximat­ely 3,800 TPD of unprocesse­d waste finds its way into landfills daily, exacerbati­ng environmen­tal degradatio­n and health hazards. The legacy waste, amounting to a staggering 2.58 crore tonnes, stands at the heart of the issue. Legacy waste is basically the massive volume of waste accumulate­d in dumpsites.

The Municipal Corporatio­n of Delhi (MCD) has been grappling with multifacet­ed challenges hindering effective waste management. The absence of waste segregatio­n at source, inadequate processing infrastruc­ture, and insufficie­nt public awareness continue to perpetuate the cycle of waste mismanagem­ent. Moreover, logistical hurdles, including land scarcity for establishi­ng processing plants and lack of coordinati­on among stakeholde­rs, stand as structural roadblocks. There is, certainly, a need for a multifacet­ed approach encompassi­ng shortterm interventi­ons and long-term strategies. Immediate measures must focus on waste segregatio­n at source, facilitati­ng public awareness campaigns, and fine tuning waste collection services to curb indiscrimi­nate disposal. Simultaneo­usly, efforts should be intensifie­d to ramp up processing capacity and expedite biomining initiative­s to mitigate the legacy waste burden.

To accommodat­e the projected increase in waste generation, Delhi must augment its processing capacity substantia­lly. The MCD should prioritise the establishm­ent of composting and biogas plants to manage biodegrada­ble wet waste efficientl­y. Additional­ly, leveraging refuse-derived fuel (RDF) for energy generation through waste-to-energy projects can help alleviate the burden on landfills while promoting sustainabl­e practices. Furthermor­e, given the constraint­s posed by land availabili­ty, exploring decentrali­sed waste management solutions becomes very crucial. Delhi should emulate successful models implemente­d in other states. There are several states/cities in India that have shown that a positive overhaul of solid waste management is possible and feasible.

The Supreme Court’s admonition highlights the gravity of Delhi’s waste crisis and calls for swift and decisive action. All concerned authoritie­s must collaborat­e synergisti­cally to devise and implement sustainabl­e waste management solutions. Delhi stands at a critical juncture in its quest for sustainabl­e waste management. The need of the hour is concrete action backed by political will and public participat­ion.

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