Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Mufti seeks EC interventi­on over ‘harassment’, ‘arrest’ of PDP workers


PDP president Mehbooba Mufti on Sunday sought interventi­on of the Election Commission to stop the alleged harassment and arrest of her party workers, a day ahead of the polls in Srinagar Lok Sabha constituen­cy.

The People’s Democratic Party (PDP) candidate for Srinagar Lok Sabha seat Waheed Para has accused a senior IPS officer of trying to engineer a low voter turnout in areas where the party has a strong support base. In her letter, Mufti referred to the 1987 Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir saying it is distressin­g to witness history repeating itself, reminiscen­t of the 1987 rigged elections that caused immense suffering and political disillusio­nment in the region. The former chief minister said she was “deeply troubled” by reports that the security agencies were conducting raids and harassing PDP workers in Pulwama and Shopian districts. “Numerous party members, sympathise­rs, and activists have been arbitraril­y detained without justificat­ion, apparently as punishment for their efforts to organise public rallies and encourage voter turnout. In a democratic society, it is imperative that both election authoritie­s and state officials promote political participat­ion and ensure a fair electoral process,” she said. “Regrettabl­y, the current situation in these areas is far from conducive to such principles,” she added.

Mufti pointed out that as the custodian of democracy, the Election Commission plays a crucial role in upholding the integrity of the electoral process and ensuring a level playing field for all political parties.

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