Millennium Post (Kolkata)

KPP endorses Trinamool, predicts massive turnout at Mamata’s rally

Alipurduar: All members to campaign with ‘no vote for BJP’ slogan


The Kamtapur Progressiv­e Party (KPP) central committee predicts a massive turnout of supporters at Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s election rally in Kalchini, Alipurduar, demonstrat­ing their backing for the TMC in the Lok Sabha election. During a press conference in Alipurduar on Thursday, KPP members criticised the Central government and BJP, endorsing TMC for neglecting the Rajbangshi people of Kamtapur.

Pulin Chandra Roy, Central Committee Member of KPP, stated: “Our chairman Adhir Chandra Roy and all members have decided to campaign with a slogan of ‘no vote for BJP’. Why should we vote for BJP? Because BJP has not fulfilled any of its commitment­s such as Union Territory status, separate statehood, Narayani Sena, or the installati­on of statues of Thakur Panchanan Barma and Chila Roy, as promised.

We have supported the BJP since 2009, but they have consistent­ly neglected our people. During elections, they make several promises, During elections, they make several promises, but once elected, they forget about us. However, we have observed that the state’s Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee, has fulfilled her commitment­s. The state government has establishe­d two schools teaching in the Kamtapur language, set up the Kamtapuri

Bhasa Sahitya Academy and the Narayani Battalion is in progress. The state government has fulfilled its promises to us, which is why we are supporting the TMC in this election. We are also demanding a Kamtapur Territoria­l Administra­tion (KTA) body similar to the GTA.”

Roy added: “On Friday, the CM will hold a public meeting in Kalchini in support of TMC candidate Prakash Chik Baraik. We can assure that hundreds of thousands of Kamtapur Progressiv­e Party supporters will attend the rally.”

On Friday, the CM is scheduled to have an election rally in Alipurduar and Cooch Behar constituen­cies. She will arrive at Nimti Mela Ground in Kalchini, Alipurduar and conduct a public meeting in support of Prakash Chik Baraik. From there, she will go to Cooch Behar in support of Jagadish Chandra Barma Basunia.

‘We have supported the BJP since 2009, but they have consistent­ly neglected our people. During elections, they make...’

 ?? PIC/MPOST ?? Preparatio­ns in full swing for Mamata Banerjee’s election rally
PIC/MPOST Preparatio­ns in full swing for Mamata Banerjee’s election rally

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