Millennium Post (Kolkata)

More Kremlin critics targeted in Russia’s dissent crackdown


TALLIN (ESTONIA): Russian authoritie­s have put more Kremlin critics on a wanted list as its crackdown against dissent reaches unpreceden­ted levels since Moscow sent troops into Ukraine more than two years ago.

Independen­t Russian news outlet Mediazona reported Tuesday that it found women’s rights activist Darya Serenko and prominent journalist and author Mikhail Zygar in the Interior Ministry’s database of individual­s wanted on criminal charges. The entries don’t specify the charges or when they were added to the list. Both Serenko and Zygar have long left Russia. The Kremlin’s crackdown against opposition activists, independen­t journalist­s and government critics has intensifie­d during the war. Hundreds have faced criminal charges over protests and remarks condemning the war

in Ukraine, and thousands have been fined or briefly jailed. Serenko, a longtime activist and author, co-founded the Feminist Anti-War Resistance group shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 and moved to Georgia during the crackdown. Both she and the group were designated as “foreign agents,” a label that comes with additional government scrutiny. Zygar, an author and a founding editor in chief of Russia’s independen­t TV channel Dozhd, also left Russia after the invasion and was declared a “foreign agent.” Unconfirme­d Russian media reports earlier this year said Zygar could be facing charges of spreading false informatio­n about the army over a social media post about Russian atrocities in Bucha, a suburb near Kyiv occupied for several weeks by Moscow’s forces.Spreading false informatio­n about the army is a criminal offense punishable by up to 15 years in prison under a law Moscow adopted days after announcing what the Kremlin insists on calling a “special military operation” in Ukraine. The law has been widely used against those who publicly criticize the war or the Kremlin, including those who left Russia. On Wednesday, Russia’s Investigat­ive Committee announced charging another women’s rights activist Zalina Marshenkul­ova.

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