Millennium Post (Kolkata)

RIL-Disney propels Q1 deal activity to a nearly two-year high: Report


MUMBAI: The $8.5 billion merger between Reliance and Disney helped the overall deal activity in the March quarter of 2024 reach a nearly two-year high, a report said on Tuesday.

The overall number of transactio­ns, including mergers and acquisitio­ns and private equity investment­s, inched up to 427 from 422 in the quarter-ago period, but the values surged by 43 per cent to $20.416 billion, the report by the consultanc­y firm Grant Thornton Bharat said.

This performanc­e is the highest in deal activity since the June quarter of 2022, the report said.

The March 2024 quarter witnessed a 36 per cent drop in the number of high-value deals of over $100 million from 28 to 18, while billion-dollar deals registered an uptick compared to the previous quarter.

There were three billion dollar deals collective­ly valued at over $12 billion, that accounted for nearly 59 per cent of the total deal values in Q1 2024, it said.

The overall deals included 120 merger and acquisitio­n transactio­ns, while the remaining were private equity transactio­ns, the report said.

Domestic volumes remained dominant in M&As, but they have shown a declining trend over the past year. However, on the other hand, cross-border activity, witnessed its second-highest quarterly volumes in the last five years.

The PE activity surged with 307 deals amounting to $8.1 billion, which is a 51 per cent rise by value and a 10 per cent rise in volumes over the previous quarter.

The merger of Viacom18 Media with Star India, creating an enterprise value of $8.5 billion was termed as the deal of the quarter in the report.

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