Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Centre accords March 2024 warmest


the country, as well as at his office in central Delhi’s ‘Nirvachan Sadan’ and his residence.

VIP security covers are categorise­d from the highest level of Z+ down to Z, Y+, Y, and X. An Election Commission spokespers­on declined to comment on the matter.

Kumar, a retired IAS officer from the 1984 batch, assumed office as the 25th CEC on May 15, 2022, after being appointed as an election commission­er in the poll body on September 1, 2020.

past 12 months being 1.58 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Stopping further warming requires rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.”

In 2023, the global average near-surface temperatur­e was 1.45 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial baseline (1850-1900), making it the warmest year in the 174-year observatio­nal record.

Scientists predict that 2024 could set a new record due to the impact of El Nino, a periodic warming of the ocean surface in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, which typically has the greatest effect on global climate in the second year of its developmen­t.

The ongoing, albeit weaker, El Nino and predicted above-normal sea-surface temperatur­es over much of the global oceans are expected to result in above-normal temperatur­es over almost all land areas until May and influence regional rainfall patterns, according to a March update from the World Meteorolog­ical Organisati­on (WMO).

There is a possibilit­y of La Nina developing later in the year. Scientists tracking developmen­ts in India suggest that if La Nina conditions set in by June-August, it could lead to better monsoon rains this year compared to 2023.

El Nino events, which occur every two to seven years on average and typically last nine to 12 months, are associated with increased rainfall in the Horn of Africa and the southern US, and unusually dry and warm conditions in Southeast Asia, Australia, and southern Africa.

The current El Nino event, which began in June 2023, was at its strongest between November and January.

Cong alleges

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