Millennium Post (Kolkata)

State to seek help of Dutch govt to boost its horticultu­re sector


KOLKATA: The Food Processing Industries and Horticultu­re (FPI&H) department will come up with a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for cultivatio­n of vegetables and fruits with technical assistance from the Netherland government.

The department has already identified 30 acres of land at Puncha Block, some 42 odd kilometers from Purulia town for setting up the CoE.“The Dutch government promised to assist us in preparatio­n of the detailed project report (DPR) for the CoE. We hope to complete the DPR preparatio­n by April- May,” Subrata Gupta, additional chief secretary of FPI& H department said.

According to Gupta, this CoE aims to set a benchmark in pursuing agricultur­e on dry land where rainfall is less and thus low availabili­ty of water poses a challenge.

The farmers will learn how to conserve water for agricultur­e.

The state has strategica­lly chosen an interior area in Paschimanc­hal as a site for the CoE. “The Dutch are regarded among the best in the globe when it comes to agricultur­al activities by conservati­on of water,” said a FPI & H department official.

The project needs the approval of the Union government as it involves internatio­nal collaborat­ion. Hence, after DPR preparatio­n it will be sent to the Centre for clearance. FPI & H department sources said the farmers will learn protected

cultivatio­n that includes shed net, naturally ventilated polyhouse, hi-tech polyhouse etc. techniques from the Dutch experts.“We saw that the farmers producing their own saplings for cultivatio­n often don’t get desired results.

In many cases, the seeds used are of inferior quality. However, this programme will involve demonstrat­ion and training for the farmers, private entreprene­urs, NGOs and government officials, guaranteei­ng a good return,” the official said.

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