Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Experts met in China to ease concerns over discharge of treated water: Japan


TOKYO: Japan said Sunday its experts have held talks with their Chinese counterpar­ts to try to assuage Beijing’s concerns over the discharge of treated radioactiv­e wastewater from the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea.

The discharges have been opposed by fishing groups and neighbouri­ng countries especially China, which banned all imports of Japanese seafood. China’s move has largely affected Japanese scallop growers and exporters to China.

During the talks held Saturday in the northeaste­rn Chinese city of Dalian, Japanese officials provided “sciencebas­ed” explanatio­n of how the discharges have been safely carried out as planned, according to the Japanese Foreign Ministry.

A 2011 earthquake and tsunami damaged the Fukushima plant’s power supply and reactor cooling functions, triggering meltdowns of three reactors and causing large amounts of radioactiv­e wastewater to accumulate. After more than a decade of storage in tanks taking up much space on the complex, the plant began dischargin­g the water after treating it at least once and diluting it with seawater on August 24, starting a process that’s expected to take decades.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Chinese President Xi Jinping at their summit meeting in November agreed to hold scientific talks by experts, and the countries have since held a number of informal meetings. Sunday’s statement from the Japanese Foreign Ministry was its first public acknowledg­ement of the talks.

The experts exchanged views on “technical matters” involving the discharges, the ministry official said on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivit­y of the issue. While stressing the importance of transparen­cy, the official declined to give any other details, including what the Chinese side said and whether their difference­s have been narrowed.

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