Millennium Post (Kolkata)

All PSBs in India saw decrease in NPAs over last 6 months: Survey


NEW DELHI: All public sector banks in India showed a reduction in non-performing asset levels over the last six months while only 67 per cent of private sector banks reported a decline during the period, said a FICCIIBA Bankers’ survey released on Thursday.

The survey revealed that 77 per cent of the respondent banks reported a decrease in the NPA levels in the last six months, with public sector banks reporting better asset quality as compared to their private sector counterpar­ts. The 18th round of the FICCI-IBA Bankers’ survey was carried out for the period July to December 2023. A total of 23 banks, including public sector, private sector and foreign banks, participat­ed in the survey. These banks together represent about 77 per cent of the banking industry, as classified by asset size.

Over half of the banks covered in the FICCI-IBA Bankers’ unveiled on Thursday believe that gross non-performing assets would be in the range of 3-3.5 per cent over the next six months.

“All responding public sector banks (PSBs) have cited a reduction in NPA levels while amongst participat­ing private sector banks, 67 per cent of banks have cited a decrease. None of the respondent PSBs and foreign banks have stated an increase in NPA levels over the last six months while 22 per cent of private banks reported an increase,” the survey highlighte­d.

Amongst the sectors that continue to show a high level of NPAs, most of the participat­ing bankers identified sectors such as Food Processing, Textiles, and Infrastruc­ture.

The survey also suggests that the outlook for non-food industry credit over the next six months is optimistic with 41 per cent of the participat­ing banks expecting non-food industry credit growth to be above 12 per cent while 18 per cent feel that non-food industry credit growth would be in the range of 10-12 per cent. Moreover, 36 per cent of the respondent­s are of the view that non-food industry credit growth would be in the range of 8-10 per cent.

“Over half of the respondent banks in the current round believe that Gross NPAs would be in the range of 3-3.5 per cent over the next six months. 14 per cent of respondent­s are of the view that NPA levels would be in the range of 2.5-3 per cent,” Ficci stated. As such, term deposits have picked up pace as reported by the respondent banks. Further, around 70 per cent of respondent­s have reported a decrease in the share of CASA deposits in total deposits.

According to the survey, 65 per cent of respondent banks reported credit standards for large enterprise­s to have remained unchanged as against 54 per cent in the last round.

Respondent­s reporting easing of credit standards has decreased to 17 per cent in the current round as against 29 per cent in the previous round while those reporting tightening in credit standards were largely the same as in the previous round.

For SMEs too, 64 per cent of the respondent banks reported no change in credit standards in the current round, and 27 per cent have reported easing of credit standards.

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