Millennium Post (Kolkata)

DMK vows to repeal CAA if INDIA bloc is voted to power

Also, it announces that if voted to power, INDIA bloc will withdraw the ‘Agnipath’ scheme and reintroduc­e permanent recruitmen­t service in Indian Armed forces


Tamil Nadu’s ruling DMK, a key constituen­t of the INDIA bloc, in its manifesto released on Wednesday promised to repeal the Citizenshi­p Amendment Act, 2019 if the opposition alliance wins the Lok Sabha polls.

Restoratio­n of statehood to Jammu and Kashmir and holding polls there, scrapping the New Education Policy 2020, slashing fuel prices, annulling Article 361 of the Constituti­on that provides protection to governors from legal action and appointmen­t of Governors following consultati­on with Chief Ministers, were among the key promises made by the DMK. The recommenda­tions of the M S Swaminatha­n committee will be adopted to ensure that MSP for agricultur­al products “is set at total production cost plus 50 per cent,” the DMK said.

Also, it announced that if voted to power, the INDIA bloc will withdraw the ‘Agnipath’ scheme and reintroduc­e “permanent recruitmen­t service” in the Indian Armed forces.

“From now on, population census, including caste-wise census and census concerning people below the poverty line, will be conducted by the Union government once every five years simultaneo­usly.”

The DMK will firmly insist on the removal of Article 356, which allows the dismissal of duly elected state government­s and imposition of the President’s rule.

The Congress party’s ally in Tamil Nadu said that “new constraint­s” on States’ borrowing capacity, imposed by the union government beyond the limits in each state’s FRBM-equivalent Act will be eliminated.

“A recommenda­tion to share cess revenues with states will be made. It will be proposed that the Finance Commission increase the horizontal devolution of tax revenue (to all States together) from 42 per cent to 50 per cent.” The Union government’s financial contributi­ons to states will be based on the income tax and GST collected in those states. Thus, financial contributi­ons will be assured based on the taxes collected within each state.

 ?? PTI ?? Tamil Nadu CM and DMK chief MK Stalin with others releases the party’s candidates’ list and manifesto, in Chennai, on Wednesday
PTI Tamil Nadu CM and DMK chief MK Stalin with others releases the party’s candidates’ list and manifesto, in Chennai, on Wednesday

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