Millennium Post (Kolkata)

India’s resolve to hold free, fair polls underscore­s resilience of its democratic machinery: Jaishankar


India’s commitment to conducting free, fair and inclusive elections underscore­s the “resilience and adaptabili­ty” of its democratic machinery, illustrati­ng that even amid complexiti­es, the voice of every citizen matters, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has said.

In a video message on Wednesday, he delivered the national statement on behalf of the government of India at the third edition of the ‘Summit for Democracy’ taking place in

South Korea. This year’s theme ‘Democracy for Future Generation­s’ is one that “resonates not just within the borders of India but echoes across the globe”.

“India’s ancient civilisati­on, marked by profound philosophi­cal traditions, and a deep respect for individual freedoms laid the ground work for the democratic ideals that we cherish today. In the hallowed verses of our ancient texts, we find echoes of democratic principles that advocated for participat­ory governance, protection of individual rights, and the welfare of the entire society,” he said. Fast forward to the post-Independen­ce era, the framers of India’s Constituti­on inspired by rich legacy of democratic thoughts, “meticulous­ly crafted” a document that would serve as “a guiding light” for what is today the world’s largest democracy, Jaishankar said.

“The Indian Constituti­on, a beacon of pluaralism and inclusivit­y, stands as a testament to the confidence of the founding fathers to create a nation where every citizen regardless of the background, enjoys equal rights and opportunit­ies. The spirit of debate, discourse and consensus building that pervaded our historical past, continues to breathe life into our democratic institutio­ns,” he added.

The external affairs minister said “as we navigate the complexiti­es of the modern world, we draw strength from our heritage that recognise the intrinsic worth and dignity of every individual, mirroring the very essence of democracy. It is this amalgamati­on of ancient wisdom and contempora­ry values that positions India as the ‘Mother of Democracy’.”

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