Millennium Post (Kolkata)

India vows action against traffickin­g rings exploiting citizens in war-torn Russia

Urges citizens not to risk lives by taking up support jobs with Russian Army


Following distressin­g videos and reports of stranded Indian men on the Russia-Ukraine border seeking assistance to return home, the Indian government on Friday assured of stern action against the duping network. The Central Bureau of Investigat­ion (CBI) on Thursday unearthed a sinister network of agents exploiting unsuspecti­ng individual­s under the pretence of job opportunit­ies in war-torn Russia. The foreign ministry has further pledged to take robust measures to address this alarming situation.

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokespers­on, Randhir Jaiswal, confirmed the investigat­ion’s progress, stating, “Several Indian nationals have been duped into working with the Russian Army. We have strongly raised the issue with the Russian government, urging the early discharge of these deceived Indian nationals.”

Earlier this month, MEA disclosed that twenty Indians were working as support staff for the Russian Army. Efforts are underway to repatriate these individual­s, with Jaiswal adding, “Strong action has been initiated against agents and unscrupulo­us elements who recruited them on false pretexts and promises.

The CBI on Thursday conducted searches in several cities, collecting incriminat­ing evidence, and has registered a case of human traffickin­g against several agents.

Jaiswal also appealed to Indian

The CBI on Thursday conducted searches in several cities, collecting incriminat­ing evidence, and has registered a case of human traffickin­g against several agents

nationals, cautioning them against falling for offers from agents promising support jobs with the Russian Army. He highlighte­d the inherent dangers and life risks associated with such deceptive recruitmen­t tactics. “We remain committed to the early release of our nationals serving as support staff with the Russian Army and their eventual return home,” he asserted.

According to the CBI report, the traffickin­g network extends across multiple states

 ?? PTI ?? Union MoS for External Affairs V. Muraleedha­ran pays his last respects to Indian worker Patnibin Maxwell, who was killed in an attack in Israel, at Thiruvanan­thapuram Airport, on Friday
PTI Union MoS for External Affairs V. Muraleedha­ran pays his last respects to Indian worker Patnibin Maxwell, who was killed in an attack in Israel, at Thiruvanan­thapuram Airport, on Friday

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