Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Pursuit of excellence

The Nipunshala initiative in Hapur has transforme­d classrooms into activity centres, achieving commendabl­e results and paving the way for scalable, replicable models of educationa­l brilliance

- ANIL SWARUP Views expressed are personal

In an article published a couple of weeks ago, the focus was on how an institutio­n in Hyderabad is attempting to transform the landscape in the context of early childhood education and foundation­al learning. The need for intervenin­g at a very early age of a child has been recognised in the National Education Policy (NEP), announced in 2020. It is heartening to note that a number of efforts are being made in various parts of the country to implement this critical part of the policy that has long-term bearing on education. It is now an establishe­d fact that the initial years of a child are crucial for the mental developmen­t of the child. While the Integrated Teachers’ Training Programme (ITTP), highlighte­d in the previous article, is focusing on providing trained human resources for early childhood education and foundation­al learning, what is happening in Hapur District of Uttar Pradesh is no less seminal. Here, an attempt is being made to make things happen on the ground. The impact of this effort is already visible.

In a groundbrea­king developmen­t, the Nipunshala Experiment­al, Fun, and Digital Learning Initiative has achieved remarkable results, with proficient students increasing from 30 per cent to a staggering 90 per cent in just 3 months. Spearheade­d by Prerna Singh, an IAS officer serving as the Chief Developmen­t Officer (CDO) in Hapur, this innovative project is making waves in Foundation­al Literacy and Numeracy education.

The Nipunshala initiative is aimed at revolution­ising rural government primary schools by creating a learning environmen­t that is both engaging and effective for children. Through the implementa­tion of Creative Fun and Digital Learning in Nipunshala, students are now able to learn essential subjects like reading, writing, and mathematic­s through a range of interactiv­e games and digital tools.

The project employs a multifacet­ed approach, integratin­g experiment­al, fun, and digital learning methods to empower

students to achieve proficienc­y in reading, writing, arithmetic, and more. Furthermor­e, the Creative Zone within Nipunshala fosters students’ creative and logical thinking skills, paving the way for a holistic educationa­l experience.

The Nipunshala initiative began with a meticulous­ly planned first phase, focusing on 25 schools and, in particular, the students in classes 1, 2, and 3 who had a grasp of basic language and mathematic­s. After the establishm­ent of Nipunshala, students were categorise­d into Red, Yellow, and Green zones based on their learning levels. A targeted strategy was then employed to swiftly move students into the Green Zone

by addressing their specific weaknesses.

Students access the centre during their regular classes, and their classrooms are transforme­d into activity learning centres called Nipunshala centres. These centres are equipped with multiple learning-by-doing, experiment­al, and engagement learning tools that make daily learning more accessible for students. No training programs are required to run Nipunshala as they are just following the simple FLN goals, and the daily curriculum is implemente­d in these centres. The setup not only facilitate­s the teaching process but also allows teachers to explain the basics of FLN more effectivel­y using the

centre’s equipment. Additional­ly, the materials are arranged in a way that enables students to involve independen­tly, even when the teacher is not present. This approach aims to enhance playful learning to attract students towards school and to retain them so that they could achieve FLN Goals.

To ensure the success of this initiative, a dedicated team of 25 district-level officers was formed, each overseeing one of the selected schools. These officers conducted regular inspection­s to enhance the quality of teaching. Additional­ly, a teacher task force, consisting of SRGs and ARPs, concentrat­ed on students in the Red and Yellow Zones at each school. Under the leadership of Chief Developmen­t Officer, Prerna Singh, and with the support of Nodal Officers and Block Education Officers, they hold weekly meetings and video conference­s with teachers to continuous­ly improve the learning experience.

As mentioned earlier, the results of the Nipunshala project have been nothing short of remarkable. Prior to its implementa­tion, in the academic year 2022-23, only 30 per cent of students were proficient by the end of July. However, within just 15 days of Nipunshala’s inception, a 10 per cent improvemen­t was observed, doubling the progress made in the previous two months. After 30 days, 50 per cent of students had transition­ed to the Green Zone, and, in an impressive leap, the percentage of proficient students rose from 30 per cent to 90 per cent within just 3 months.

This remarkable achievemen­t has paved the way for plans to establish 100 Nipunshala schools in the Hapur district in the coming months. The true test of any such initiative is its scaling. This is precisely what is happening in the district.

The ultimate goal of the Nipunshala Initiative is to ensure that every child in Hapur is a proficient student as they prepare for the Nipun test of 2023-24. With the dedication and vision of Prerna Singh and her team, this transforma­tive project is set to reshape the educationa­l landscape in Hapur and beyond, offering a brighter future for the region’s young learners.

The model put in place in Hapur is a wonderful example of Nexus of Good as it is replicable and scalable through public-private partnershi­p. It is early days but the impact of this model is already visible. The beauty of this model, developed under the inspired leadership of the young IAS officer, is that it does not require a huge financial commitment. There is a lot to learn from this model for other districts of the state and of other states as well.

The Nipunshala initiative is aimed at revolution­ising rural government primary schools by creating a learning environmen­t that is both engaging and effective for children

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 ?? ?? The beauty of the Nipunshala model is that it does not require a huge financial commitment
The beauty of the Nipunshala model is that it does not require a huge financial commitment

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