Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Abstract achievemen­ts

The Second Conference of Parties (COP2) in Geneva, 1996, aimed to reduce emissions and set up Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate alongside establishi­ng national communicat­ions but lacked concrete achievemen­ts in terms of specific emission reduction target

- KRISHNA GUPTA The writer is Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Mass Education Extension and Library Services and Department of Cooperatio­n, Government of West Bengal

The second COP was held in Geneva from July 8-19, 1996. Participan­ts included government­s, NGOs and observers from multilater­al institutio­ns. The Opening Plenary on July 8 saw the German Minister Angela Merkel take stock of the Berlin Mandate. She pointed out that the main issues of commitment­s on emissions reduction and financial commitment­s were still not agreed upon. The IPCC Second Assessment Report was also placed before COP2 for discussion­s. After the opening plenary, the Subsidiary Groups formed in COP1, namely Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technologi­cal Advice (SBSTA), Subsidiary Body for Implementa­tion (SBI) and Ad Hoc Group on Article 13 (or AG-13) began their respective meetings.

Main discussion­s and decisions

After Angela Merkel inaugurate­d the Opening Plenary, she proposed the name of the Zimbabwe Environmen­t Minister as the President. Before that, she referred to the Second Assessment Report (SAR) of the IPCC, and noted that the 15 countries accounting for 55 per cent of the greenhouse gas emissions in early 1990s would continue to emit, and their emissions would rise after 2000.

While the SAR was not tabled officially in the Plenary, its findings continued to be referred to in the Opening Plenary. For example, the Russian Federation suggested that the SAR should be the reference point in making commitment­s and in fulfilling the Berlin Mandate, rather than the Subsidiary Bodies taking a decision on this. For this, it suggested that the Opening Plenary be extended. Similarly, Saudi Arabia suggested that the findings of SAR should not be read selectivel­y.

The other deliberati­ons in the Opening Plenary and other plenaries were mostly on the elections of office bearers, representa­tion of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and voting procedures. A lot of time was also devoted to the election of the Bureau, which was a representa­tive body of all the members and was supposed to guide the negotiatio­ns.

Some of the major decisions taken in COP2 were:

Berlin Mandate implementa­tion: An Ad Hoc

Group on the Berlin Mandate (AGBM) was establishe­d, whose role was to get industrial­ised countries to make commitment­s to reduce greenhouse gas emissions beyond the year 2000 through a legal instrument;

National communicat­ions: A system was put in place which would enable members to submit details on their greenhouse gas emissions, various policies, vulnerabil­ity assessment­s and adaptation measures;

Technology transfer: COP2 took initial steps and prepared the groundwork for technology transfer to developing countries, which would be an important element in the climate change battle.

The Annex-I countries or the developed countries, who were historical­ly responsibl­e for the greenhouse gas emissions and had to mandatoril­y take commitment­s to cut emissions and financial commitment­s, took very different positions in the Plenary. While the European Union was more ambitious and advocated large emission cuts, the US and Japan were cautious. While the US wanted flexibilit­y and voluntary commitment­s, Japan emphasised the importance of technology transfer and financial assistance to developing or Annex-II countries. Developing countries, represente­d by G77, underlined the importance of common but differenti­ated responsibi­lities and technologi­cal & financial support. The SIDS such as Tuvalu and other Central Pacific states and Maldives highlighte­d their vulnerabil­ities resulting from rising sea levels because of global warming and emphasised adaptation measures. Many NGOs and civil society groups were unambiguou­s in their stand on emissions reductions and the need for developed countries to make ambitious commitment­s.

Meetings of subsidiary bodies

The subsidiary bodies also met for deliberati­ons during COP2. In the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technologi­cal Advice (SBSTA), various ways to measure greenhouse gases and their inventorie­s were discussed. The SAR report was also taken up for discussion, which saw widely varying stands. While most developed countries and some developing countries endorsed the SAR findings, most oil-producing countries of the Middle East and Russia were skeptical and stated that it was too premature to make recommenda­tions based on SAR findings.

The discussion­s in the Subsidiary Body for Implementa­tion (SBI) were less contentiou­s. There were discussion­s on national communicat­ions on greenhouse gas emissions submitted by various countries, ways to support developing countries including through the Global Environmen­t Facility (GEF), and capacity building initiative­s to better implement UNFCCC decisions.

The Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate (AGBM) met to review the performanc­e of Annex-I countries on emissions reductions and noted with concern that many countries were far behind on their commitment­s. Roundtable­s were also held on topics such as flexibilit­ies in taking commitment­s and the criteria for selecting policies and measures, their economic costs and political feasibilit­y. Issues such as renewable energy, product standards, Chlorofluo­rocarbons (CFCs), internatio­nal air and marine transport and various economic/fiscal instrument­s such as reducing subsidies to polluting fuels such as coal, were also taken up.

Another important roundtable discussed the possible impact of commitment­s, both positive and negative, by Annex-I countries on developing countries, such as loss of export revenue (for oil producers), increased barriers to trade, benefits from technical innovation and transfer of technology and so on.

A roundtable on Quantified Emission Limitation and Reduction Objectives (QELROs) discussed the difficulti­es in achieving the desired levels of emissions reduction, and asserted that best efforts of Annex-I countries may not result in stabilisat­ion of global emissions. What would be the penalty on not meeting emissions targets and whether these would be legally binding?

The Ad Hoc Group on Article 13 (AG-13) also met to discuss the establishm­ent of a multilater­al consultati­ve process to resolve the issues of implementa­tion. Representa­tives of ILO, WTO, Basel Convention and Montreal Protocol gave presentati­ons on such a process in their organisati­on. A final decision was however pushed to the next COP.

The discussion­s at COP2 centered mostly around mitigation measures, with little emphasis on adaptation


COP2 did have a declaratio­n which outlined the general intent on reducing emissions. The ABGM was also establishe­d, a system for national communicat­ions was put in place and the process of technical transfer was initiated. But, COP2 did not really have many concrete achievemen­ts in terms of specific emission reduction targets. Further, the discussion­s centered mostly around mitigation measures, with little attention to adaptation measures. Finally, the issue of common but differenti­ated responsibi­lities was left unresolved and this issue alone would continue to haunt the coming negotiatio­ns. The work was cut out for the next COP in Kyoto in 1997.

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