Millennium Post (Kolkata)

SBI celebrates Internatio­nal Mother Language Day 2024


On the occasion of ‘Internatio­nal Mother Language Day 2024’, the State Bank of India, Local Head Office, Kolkata organized a ‘Poetry Recitation in Indian Languages” on February 21. The programme was presided over by Dinesh Gordhan Verma, Deputy General Manager and Circle Developmen­t Officer. Senior officials of the bank were also present on this occasion.

The programme started with the welcome address by Alok Kumar, Assistant General Manager (Official Language). He informed everyone about

the historical background of Internatio­nal Mother Language Day and also highlighte­d its significan­ce throughout the life. Addressing the gathering,

Chairman of the event Dinesh Gordhan Verma said that multilingu­alism is a living tradition of India. State Bank of India has been playing a leading role in strengthen­ing the linguistic and cultural diversity of the country. The clientele of SBI has always been multilingu­al. The bank has always been keen to provide banking services to this multilingu­al group in their mother languages. He further added that State Bank of India has provided the facility of passbook printing, account statement and SMS alerts in total 14 Indian languages, including Hindi till.

A large number of staff members from different languages participat­ed in this programme which included Hindi, Maithili, Bengali, Oriya, Punjabi, Gujarati, Assamese,

Nepali, Urdu etc. In the programme, poetry of the best poets of Indian languages, including Rabindrana­th Tagore, Suryakant Tripathi Nirala, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, Subhadra Kumari Chauhan,Qazi Nazrul Islam, Devbrat Singh, Gopaldas Neeraj, Jai Goswami, Sohanlal Dwivedi were recited by them. Some participan­ts also recited self-composed poems.

The event was conducted by Vikram Kumar, Deputy Manager (Official Language) and was concluded with vote of thanks by Amritraj Thapa, Deputy Manager (Official Language).

 ?? ?? Participan­ts receiving memento from by Dinesh Gordhan Verma, DGM and CDO, SBI, Kolkata
Participan­ts receiving memento from by Dinesh Gordhan Verma, DGM and CDO, SBI, Kolkata

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