Millennium Post (Kolkata)

X disagrees with govt’s move to

Block accounts, posts on farmers’ stir Calls for the retraction of the blocking orders


Social media platform X on Thursday expressed strong disagreeme­nt with the Indian government’s order to block accounts and posts related to the ongoing farmers’ protests. In a statement released on Thursday, X emphasised its commitment to freedom of expression and called for the retraction of the blocking orders.

The Ministry of Electronic­s and IT has ordered social media platforms to temporaril­y block 177 accounts that were linked to farmers’ protests on request of the Ministry of Home Affairs, according to sources. In response, X stated, “The Indian government has issued executive orders requiring X to act on specific accounts and posts, subject to potential penalties including significan­t fines and imprisonme­nt. In compliance with the orders, we will withhold these

accounts and posts in India alone; however, we disagree with these actions and maintain that freedom of expression should extend to these posts.”

The social media platform said that a writ appeal challengin­g the Indian government’s blocking orders remains pending and called for making the order public to enhance transparen­cy.

“Due to legal restrictio­ns, we are unable to publish the executive orders, but we believe that making them public is essential for transparen­cy. This lack of disclosure can lead to a lack of accountabi­lity and arbitrary decisionma­king,” X said.

The social media firm has provided the impacted users with notice of the government actions in accordance with the company’s policies.

Farmers from across the country have been protesting to press for their demands, including a legal guarantee for minimum support price (MSP) for crops and farm debt waiver.

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