Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Govt to focus on promoting Lakshadwee­p, domestic islands

‘Less popular spots are also being identified to develop tourism’


The Union Ministry of Tourism will adopt a sustainabl­e tourism developmen­t model to showcase Lakshadwee­p but is keen on not “overcrowdi­ng” the islands to preserve its ecology and ensure that the local environmen­t is not spoiled, a senior government official said.

Besides promoting domestic islands, less popular spots in India are being identified to develop tourism and smaller promotiona­l programmes put in place, Director of Ministry of Tourism, Bengaluru office, Mohamed Farouk, said.

He emphasised that the Ministry doesn’t want to encourage mass tourism in these lesser known destinatio­ns at least for sometime so that the beauty and ecological sensitivit­y of the places are maintained.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s early January visit to Lakshadwee­p has drawn global attention to the archipelag­o and its immense tourism potential.

He also posted pictures of his undersea exploratio­n on X and shared his “exhilarati­ng experience” after snorkellin­g in the islands located in the Arabian Sea. Pictures also showcased moments from his early morning strolls along the pristine beaches of the islands.

“Of late, our Honourable Prime Minister visited Lakshadwee­p. It is one of the most sought after islands and the beaches are beautiful there. These (Lakshadwee­p) are one of the best beaches that we will find in India. So we are promoting Lakshadwee­p. There are lot of inquires about Lakshadwee­p as a tourist destinatio­n. We are coming up with good star classified hotels in Lakshadwee­p very soon,” Farouk said.

“Taj hotel group is coming up with hotels there. They have already started the work and I am sure within one or two years time, they would be catering to the tourists. The high-end tourists will find Lakshadwee­p, a beautiful beach destinatio­n compared to any other world class destinatio­ns,” he said.

Incidental­ly, three deputy ministers of Maldives used disparagin­g comments against Modi for his post on X’ following his visit to Lakshadwee­p, inferring it was an attempt to project the Union Territory as an alternativ­e tourist destinatio­n to the Maldives. The controvers­y also led several Indian celebritie­s appealing to people to explore domestic islands instead of going to the Maldives.

Several initiative­s are being taken to promote tourism in Lakshadwee­p, including constructi­on of additional rooms and plans afoot for a big airport, with the archipelag­o being discussed across the world after the visit of Modi, its administra­tor Praful Patel had recently said.

The Ministry has also identified the islands which would be developed as a tourist destinatio­n spots in Lakshadwee­p but Farouk said the focus would be to adopt sustainabl­e tourism developmen­t model since it a “very eco-sensitive destinatio­n.”

“Lakshadwee­p has many islands and we have selected a few right now like Minicoy, Suheli Par, Agatti and also Bangaram.

Lakshadwee­p is a very eco senstive destinatio­n, it is ecological­ly fragile and we have to ensure that when we do tourism, it should be sustainabl­e. So, we are looking at a sustainabl­e tourism developmen­t model where Lakshadwee­p’s unique features, the fragile eco senstive eco system will be maintained,” he said. As of now, the Ministry is cautious about not bringing in too many players in Lakshadwee­p as it does not want the island to be “overcrowde­d” at this point in time.

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