Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Imran’s party says its mandate has been stolen in dark of night

- A government,

LAHORE/ISLAMABAD: As major political parties in Pakistan backed the formation of a coalition government led by PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif, jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s party on Wednesday alleged that its mandate has been “stolen in the dark of the night”.

In a surprise move, the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) on Tuesday night nominated Shehbaz, 72, as the prime ministeria­l candidate instead of the party supremo and three-time former premier Nawaz Sharif.

Khan-led Pakistan Tehreeke-Insaf’s Central Informatio­n Secretary Raoof Hasan said that Imran’s “mandate has been stolen in the dark of the night”.

In a post on X, Hasan said, “Pakistan is being put on [the] road to further destabilis­ation.”

Referring to a possible coalition government led by the PML-N, he said, “The decision to induct a bunch of criminals to form government­s, who have been rejected by the people, reflects a myopic view of the grave challenges the country is beset with.”

Independen­t candidates backed by Khan’s PTI sprang a surprise by winning the most seats in Parliament in the February 8 general elections. They have won 92 seats in the 266-member National Assembly.

To form a party must win 133 seats out of 265 contested seats in the 266-member National Assembly.

While Khan, the 71-yearold cricketer-turned-politician is in jail after being convicted in corruption cases, the PTI-backed candidates ran as independen­ts due to the party losing the election symbol of bat’ following controvers­y surroundin­g its

organisati­onal elections.

The PTI spokespers­on said the current situation was “striking at the very essence of democratic principles and norms”, as well as reflected a “disdain for the national interests and the welfare of its people”.

“Forces of dark must be stopped and power must pass on to those whom the people have chosen as their leaders,” Hasan added.

He said PTI founder Khan is the only hope that could steer the country out of crises.

“Only @ImranKhanP­TI has the vision and ability to bring Pakistan out of a deepening quagmire.

He is the one people have reposed their overwhelmi­ng faith & trust in, but his mandate has been stolen in the dark of the night,” he said.

To form a government, a party must win 133 seats out of 265 contested seats in the 266-member National Assembly

 ?? ?? Independen­t candidates backed by Khan’s PTI sprang a surprise by winning the most seats in Parliament in general elections
Independen­t candidates backed by Khan’s PTI sprang a surprise by winning the most seats in Parliament in general elections

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