Millennium Post (Kolkata)

Budget Session: Assembly adjourned after obituary references


Security arrangemen­ts in the Assembly have been beefed up from Monday taking lessons from a major security breach that occurred in the Lok Sabha recently

KOLKATA: The Budget Session began in the Assembly on Monday amid tight security. Monday’s session, however, concluded early with obituaries.

Security arrangemen­ts in the Assembly have been beefed up from Monday taking lessons from a major security breach that occurred in the Lok Sabha recently.

The north-west gate (gate 6) of the Assembly House has been earmarked for entry and exit of the chief minister’s convoy, ministers, speaker, deputy speaker, chief government whip, deputy chief government whip and the secretary of the legislativ­e party. The northeast corner of the Assembly House has been earmarked for parking of the chief minister’s convoy. The cars of the ministers will be parked on the pathway near the west gate (gate 1). All the vehicles of the senior officers will be parked on the Esplanade Row (west) adjacent to the Assembly after alighting them at the drop gate near north-west corner of the Assembly building.

South-west gate (gate 2) has been earmarked for entry and exit of the leader of Opposition, chief opposition whip, MLAs. Car stickers with holograms of three different colours — one for ministers other two for Assembly staff and department­al officers have been introduced to facilitate the parking and entry of different vehicles. Only the cars that will display a valid car sticker with a hologram on the windscreen of the cars issued by the Assembly secretaria­t will only be allowed to enter the Assembly. Government officials will have to display an Assembly pass with a photo to be issued by the Assembly secretaria­t while entering Assembly premises.

State Finance minister Chandrima Bhattachar­ya will present the state budget in the Assembly on February 8. Discussion on Budget will happen on February 9 and February 10. BA committee is expected to meet on February 9. This Budget Session started without the Governor C V Ananda Bose’s speech through “prorogatio­n” as the earlier session presumably continues.

On February 6, the Howrah Municipal Corporatio­n amendment bill may be tabled. Bill-related discussion may take place on February 7. The state government is also likely to pass an amendment bill related to building rules of KMC.

 ?? PIC/MPOST ?? Special drop gate at the state Assembly
PIC/MPOST Special drop gate at the state Assembly

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