Kashmir Observer

Will Withdraw Nomination If Farooq Abdullah Frees 50 Jailed Youth: Bukhari



BUDGAM: Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party President Altaf Bukhari on Thursday launched a scathing attack on the region's traditiona­l political parties, labelling them as hypocrites.

Speaking at a gathering in Chattergam and Charari Sharief areas of Budgam, Bukhari, according to the news agency, criticised the National Conference (NC) and the People's Democratic Party (PDP).

He said the NC's failure to resign from parliament­ary seats after the abrogation of Article 370 and questioned their efficacy in securing the release of jailed youth.

He also condemned PDP President Mehbooba Mufti's remarks "Ye bache kya doodh lanay jatay hai" which she made years ago. "Those remarks are still echoing in people's ears. How could she speak this? May Allah never let Kashmir fall into such hands," he said.

Bukhari said, "It was the National Conference that opened the door for Kashmir to Centre in 1998 but the PDP opened it recently and is still with them, I am fighting so that these recalcitra­nt parties do not reach the Centre again."

Bukhari said he is willing to engage with the Central government for the betterment of Kashmir, dismissing accusation­s of being an 'A or B team' of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

"You say I am A team, B team, but the fact is that if the PM is working for Kashmir, not one time, I will meet him 100 times. (NC President) Farooq Abdullah is the most experience­d political leader of Jammu and Kashmir. If he could get 50 jailed youths released, I will withdraw the nomination of my Candidate," he added.

"If there is any proxy here, it is the National Conference and PDP," the Apni Party President said, adding, "NC has been a proxy of Delhi ever since the National Conference was formed from the Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference."—(KNO)

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