HT Rajasthan

Vote-on-account today, VAT on fuel may be cut

- HT Correspond­ent letters@hindustant­

JAIPUR: The Bhajan Lal Sharma-led BJP government in Rajasthan will present vote-onaccount on Thursday and make some big announceme­nts, including new recruitmen­ts and reducing VAT on diesel and petrol, are expected before the Lok Sabha elections, people familiar with the matter said.

People added that the names of some schemes of the previous government can also be changed. Apart from this, the government can consider implementi­ng Andhra Pradesh model in the old pension scheme for employees.

Finance minister Diya Kumari will present the voteon-account, which would be for four months, but in view of the Lok Sabha elections, the government will try to give a message to the public through these announceme­nts to fulfil the election promises.

After 22 years, a finance minister will present the budget in the House; after 2003 only the chief minister has been presenting the budget.

There is a possibilit­y of an announceme­nt to implement the provision of giving reservatio­n to local youth in a fixed percentage for companies and big industries taking customized packages from the government. This model has already been implemente­d in Haryana, now it can be implemente­d in Rajasthan, said people familiar with the matter. Provisions have not yet been made for providing employment to local youth by taking customized packages from the government. After this announceme­nt, priority will be implemente­d to provide employment to local youth in the industry.

On the lines of Madhya Pradesh, the government is expected to start the Lakhpati Didi scheme in Rajasthan. Necessary preparatio­ns have been made to create self-help groups of women in the Lakhpati Didi scheme. This is being considered important to attract women voters in your favor before the Lok Sabha elections.

Announceme­nts related to farmers and animal husbandry sector in the interim budget are also expected. It is possible to announce subsidy or incentive for rearing cows at home. For this, Kamdhenu scheme was started in September 2023 by the previous congress government. The scope of Kamdhenu scheme can be increased. A plan is already underway to raise indigenous breed of cows, its scope can be expanded. Special provisions can be made to promote cow-based products.

Officials say there can be an announceme­nt on adopting Andhra Pradesh model in pension of employees. Andhra model is a hybrid model of NPS and OPS. Under the Andhra Pradesh model, employees get 50% of their last salary as pension on retirement, but for this they have to make contributi­ons like NPS.

PM promised review of petrol and diesel prices

Among major promises made by Modi was a review of the petrol and diesel prices in Rajasthan which are higher than those compared in neighbouri­ng states such as Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat. The BJP had slammed the Congress government for not lowering VAT on petrol and diesel which led to prices being in Rajasthan being the highest in the country.

Modi had said in election speeches that after BJP comes to power in Rajasthan, prices of petrol and diesel will be reviewed and a decision will be taken in the interest of the people.

Now people and petrol dealers are eagerly awaiting an announceme­nt by the government on reducing petrol and diesel prices.

Meanwhile, the exercise on modalities and financial implicatio­ns of such a decision has already begun. An official said the government already faces a precarious financial condition and is working out how to cover losses from lowering of VAT on petrol and diesel prices. Rajasthan earned ₹12,500 crore in 2022-23, Suneet Bagai, patron of the associatio­n.

Petrol prices in neighbouri­ng states are around ₹12 less per litre than in Rajasthan while diesel prices are between ₹1.50 to₹4.59 per litre less.

Rajasthan levies VAT on diesel at 19.3 percent while on petrol the VAT is 31.04 percent. Due to the high VAT, prices are highest in Rajasthan. Petrol in Rajasthan is about ₹12 per litre costlier while Diesel is ₹12 per litre costlier than Punjab, ₹4.74 costlier than in Haryana, ₹6 costlier than in UP and ₹5 costlier than in Gujarat.

 ?? HT PHOTO ?? Deputy CM and finance minister Diya Kumari finalising the vote-on-account. Additional Chief Secretary (Finance) Akhil Arora, Secretary (Revenue) Krishna Kant Pathak, Secretary (Budget) Naresh Kumar Thakral and Director (Budget) Brijesh Sharma were present.
HT PHOTO Deputy CM and finance minister Diya Kumari finalising the vote-on-account. Additional Chief Secretary (Finance) Akhil Arora, Secretary (Revenue) Krishna Kant Pathak, Secretary (Budget) Naresh Kumar Thakral and Director (Budget) Brijesh Sharma were present.

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