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- ■ nikita.saxena@hindustant­

Nikita Saxena

It’s that time of the year again when weddings are going to become the highlight of most people’s lives. If there’s one event that generates similar excitement and planning, if not more, it’s the bacheloret­te party. And, whether you’re the bride or her besties, one thing you’re going to need are party favours. Wondering what they are? They are giveaways with customised details that make your party memorable. Here’s our curated list:

Custom bottle tags or shot glasses: How about a custom bottle tag that says ‘Eat, Drink and Be Married’ or has your friends’ names printed on it? Because no matter what drink you’re going to have, these will definitely come in handy.

Themed makeup: Nail colours, lipsticks and eyeshadow in the shades of the brides’ choice will make for several Instagramm­able moments. So, pick a shade and let all attendees know. And, use lippies and nail paints as party favours by creating a DIY beauty bar at the party (also guests get to take the stuff home, too!).

Hangover kit: Who doesn’t need this after a party? Add to the kit essentials like a bandaid, an antacid, an antihangov­er tablet, and the likes.

At-home spa kit: Cause bacheloret­tes are all about pampering yourself and your friends. Get an at-home spa or facial kit and get ready for an evening of unwinding.

Vouchers: These are for those who’d rather head out for an evening of pampering. Get your girl gang together, grab those vouchers, and head out for a massage or a spa.

Slogan tees: For the bride, get something that says ‘I Said Yes’ and for the besties, something that says ‘So We Said Party!’. Several ecommerce websites and fabric printers can help you customise these. For a holiday bacheloret­te, customised swimwear can be a great favour, too.

Custom decor: No party is complete without the decor. Balloons that read ‘bacheloret­te’, slogan-ed cushions and even cute accessorie­s like hairbands and funky glasses will add to the fun. Add to this, photo-booth props and you’ll have a picture-perfect party. The bride gets to keep all the favours!

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