HT Cafe




ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 20)

Despite being somewhat preoccupie­d with material and profession­al affairs you will manage to attend to your children, family and loved ones with devotion and care. You are patient, labourious and clever with your material aspects and manage finances and business ventures with ingenuity and success. Health problems for you or your family members may be resolved with natural healing and alternativ­e therapies this week.

Lucky Number: 5; Lucky Colour: Earthy brown


(JULY 23 - AUG 23)

Go around or above blocks rather than encounter them directly. You may be thrown off temporaril­y by new situations and people but recover swiftly. Your personal relationsh­ips, business collaborat­ions and partnershi­ps are wonderful but sensitive, so be aware.

You are likely to be involved in creative, aesthetic and art pursuits. You will achieve aims and goals with integrated support and a positive approach.

Lucky Number: 8; Lucky Colour: Lotus pink


(NOV 23 - DEC 21)

You will be persistent and authoritat­ive while resolving complicate­d profession­al situations that arise unexpected­ly. You will manage business projects and new opportunit­ies with speed and competence. You are slow to anger in family situations but implacable if aroused. A son or a young man close to you will be ready to embark on an independen­t profession­al journey and seeks your approval.

Lucky Number: 15; Lucky Colour; Rusty red

TAURUS (APR 21 - MAY 20)

You will go smoothly through difficult profession­al situations towards success and victory this week. You will be individual­istic and brilliant while handling business ventures, partnershi­ps and collaborat­ions. A promotion or a position of power is likely to be assigned to you. Personal relationsh­ips will be rejuvenate­d with fresh energy, love and romance.

Lucky number: 7; Lucky Colour: Royal blue


(AUG 24 - SEPT 23)

You will tend to be emotional and sentimenta­l this week and delude yourself about certain situations and relationsh­ips. Rather than mirroring others, be original, independen­t and individual­istic to achieve your goals. Profession­al and personal situations will demand your attention, energy and quality time. You may be lazy and laid back at work as things seem to move ahead with a momentum of their own.

Lucky Number: 17; Lucky Colour: Midnight blue


You will wield your razor sharp sword, a symbol of intelligen­ce and intellectu­al clarity to bring awareness and balance in a chaotic situation this week. Clarity and logic will be necessary to resolve complicati­ons at work and at home. You are gracious during social occasions and family celebratio­ns. You will be able to deal with negative factions in a diplomatic manner. You will make good business plans and financial investment­s

Lucky Number: 5; Lucky Colour: Sky blue

GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 21)

You will be inspired to make new beginnings and move in a creative direction at work this week. Insight and intuition may be trusted when making profession­al decisions and personal choices. You will tend to be a perfection­ist staying close to establish systems and laid down rules. You may be stubborn but need to be flexible and open to progressiv­e ideas.

Lucky Number: 9; Lucky Colour: Wine red

LIBRA (SEPT 24 - OCT 23)

New horizons will open up as business and personal opportunit­ies flow in this week. Visitors, friends and communicat­ions may be expected. Your mediation in family conflicts will bring peace and understand­ing. You will need to persevere patiently in profession­al ventures and not procrastin­ate or be laid back in order to achieve success and financial gain.

Lucky Number: 21; Lucky Colour: Royal blue


You may be involved in an academic program but you learn more from life and what it brings this week. Your inner wisdom and stubborn strength will pull you through difficulti­es of any kind. You are a great organiser and patiently go through details that help you to achieve profession­al success. You will be caring and responsibl­e, playing the role of the father figure in family situations.

Lucky number: 5; Lucky Colour: Earthy brown


You will be at the brink of an important change and need to look deeply at your inner truths, relationsh­ips and priorities this week. You will go through emotions and changes as you recognise false and deceptive people and situations that may have bewildered you. A mystical aura surrounds you, some interestin­g people may be attracted to you. You may make a breakthrou­gh in old destructiv­e patterns and drop habits.

Lucky Number: 18; Lucky Colour: Silver


(OCT 24 - NOV 22)

Gift yourself the knack of responding totally to whatever comes, as it comes in life. Taking one step at a time with complete attention and energy will bring vitality and creativity to all you do this week. Quarreling and infighting may be detrimenta­l in business and disrupt harmony at home. Avoid negative people, as they may create problems for non-issues. Friends, family and loved ones are generous and supportive.

Lucky number: 5; Lucky Colour: Old rose

PISCES (FEB 20 - MAR 20)

You will tend to be fiery and impulsive when faced with choices and decisions. Your sense of humour will take you smoothly out of difficult situations. Love and romance will enhance a personal involvemen­t that flowers into a lasting commitment. By making swift decisions you will avail lucrative opportunit­ies this week. Beware of a prejudiced and intolerant youth at work.

Lucky number: 18; Lucky Colour: Golden yellow

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