Hindustan Times (West UP)

We have provided a riot, curfew-free state, says Yogi

- S Raju s.raju@htlive.com ANI

MEERUT : Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that his government has provided a riot-free environmen­t and curfew-free state, and work has been done to nail criminal elements and rioters.

The chief minister addressed an election rally in Gangoh area of Saharanpur on Friday.

Speaking at the rally, he said that Saharanpur is fulfilling the dream of a developed India by joining the stream of developmen­t. The green expressway is being built between Delhi and Dehradun (National Highway 72A), and the pace of developmen­t must continue. He extolled the farmers and handicraft­s of the region, whose workmanshi­p is famous far and wide.

Launching a scathing attack on opposition parties, he said that during the rule of SP, BSP and Congress, farmers here were forced to commit suicide. Young men were forced to migrate, women were not safe, and businessme­n were in danger.

He said, “I remember how Saharanpur was made the centre of religious frenzy. When Kanwar Yatra was banned, casteist organisati­ons did not come. Everyone’s mouths were shut. Now, Saharanpur is creating a new story of developmen­t.”

He said that earlier, the mafia used to roam around the state with their heads held high. There used to be riots over small matters. Now, the rioters themselves say that they will not riot, for if they foment trouble, they would be caught and hung upside down.

He said that some people mislead in the name of caste, but when there is a crisis on caste, all these people will disappear. Those instigatin­g riots today are trying to use caste.

 ?? ?? UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath during a public meeting ahead of Lok Sabha polls, in Saharanpur on Friday. BJP's candidate Raghav Lakhanpal Sharma also seen.
UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath during a public meeting ahead of Lok Sabha polls, in Saharanpur on Friday. BJP's candidate Raghav Lakhanpal Sharma also seen.

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