Hindustan Times (West UP)

U.P. a model of good governance today, says Yogi


LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday said good governance in Uttar Pradesh was a result of extensive reforms carried out by his government, rather than an overnight developmen­t.

Addressing the ‘Good Governance Day 2024’ programme held virtually in New Delhi, Adityanath said the state stood as a model of good governance in the country today.

Outlining the developmen­tal strides made by the state in the last few years, Adityanath underscore­d the contrast with previous government­s, which perpetuate­d societal divisions based on caste, creed, region, and language.

He said, “Uttar Pradesh had potential earlier also, but the previous government­s failed to make good use of it. We have empowered the impoverish­ed through a multitude of schemes, fostering self-reliance among them.”

Highlighti­ng India’s potential to lead globally, the CM commended the organisers for organising the two-day ‘Good Governance Mahotsav 2024’ at the Dr Ambedkar Internatio­nal Centre, New Delhi. He lauded the event for embodying the prime minister’s vision of a developed India.

The Chief Minister asserted that India, in the last decade, has emerged as a beacon of progress globally, capable of leadership even in challengin­g times. Furthermor­e, he mentioned the improvemen­t in the domestic security landscape and the effective crackdown on corruption through the JAM (Jan Dhan, Aadhaar, and Mobile) Trinity, alongside ensuring last-mile delivery of government schemes through DBT.

Adityanath lamented the historical denigratio­n of Indian traditions but expressed satisfacti­on in witnessing the global embrace of practices like yoga, symbolisin­g a revival and recognitio­n of India’s ancient wisdom and attributin­g it to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s initiative­s.

He said, “The vision of Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat is being realised today. As many as 193 countries in the world celebrate June 21 as Internatio­nal Yoga Day. By connecting with this sage tradition of India, the whole world expresses gratitude towards our traditions. All this has been possible because of Prime Minister Modi.”

The CM elaborated on the ongoing developmen­t projects, emphasisin­g infrastruc­ture and connectivi­ty enhancemen­ts in Uttar Pradesh, alongside significan­t strides in law-and-order enforcemen­t.

 ?? ANI PHOTO ?? Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath virtually addresses the Good Governance Day 2024 programme held in New Delhi, at his residence, in Lucknow on Saturday.
ANI PHOTO Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath virtually addresses the Good Governance Day 2024 programme held in New Delhi, at his residence, in Lucknow on Saturday.

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