Hindustan Times (Noida)

Delhi plans hike in PUC cost

- Alok KN Mishra alok.mishra1@hindustant­imes.com

The mandatory pollution under control (PUC) tests required to keep vehicular emissions under check are likely to cost more, with the transport department currently working on a proposal to hike testing charges across all categories following demands from petrol dealers’ associatio­ns, officials aware of the developmen­t said.

On June 13, petrol dealers’ associatio­ns threatened to shut PUC centres running on the premises, alleging they were unable to run the centres due to low costs. Transport minister Kailash Gahlot on Wednesday called a meeting of all petroleum dealers’ associatio­ns on Thursday at the Delhi secretaria­t to discuss the issue.

Gahlot said: “Several representa­tions from petrol dealers’ associatio­ns, demanding a hike

in PUC rates, have been received. The cost of PUC tests has remained unchanged since 2011. The transport department is working on a proposal and a final call will be taken on it.”

PUCC (PUC certificat­e) is a mandatory document certifying that the vehicle’s tailpipe emission falls within permissibl­e

limits. A vehicle plying without a valid PUCC is liable to be prosecuted under Section 190(2) of the Motor Vehicles Act and may lead to imprisonme­nt of up to three months or a fine of up to ₹10,000, or both. Delhi has around 966 PUC centres across 10 zones.

A PUC test costs ₹60 for twowheeler and three-wheeler vehicles, ₹80 for four-wheeler petrol vehicles and ₹100 for four-wheeler diesel vehicles.

Bibek Banerjee, general secretary of Delhi Petrol Dealers Associatio­n, said: “These rates have remained unchanged since December 2011 and we have been demanding an increase in the rates since 2015.”

Rakesh Chaudhary, a member of the associatio­n, said running PUC centres is no longer viable due to the high input cost and low output. “The payment of salaries to staff, the cost of maintenanc­e of machines and other expenses have gone up over the years but the government has not increased PUC charge,” Bansal said.

A transport department official on condition of anonymity said, “The proposal will be finalised soon and put to the minister for considerat­ion and approval.”

 ?? HT PHOTO ?? Delhi has around 966 PUC centres across 10 zones.
HT PHOTO Delhi has around 966 PUC centres across 10 zones.

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